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the experience of reading in Britain, from 1450 to 1945...

Reading Experience Database UK Historical image of readers

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 √ Century of ExperienceEvidenceName of Reader / Listener / Reading GroupAuthor of TextTitle of TextForm of Text
1800-1849Witness statement in trial for housebreaking: Stephen Davies: "on the 23rd of December he came again -I had the good fortune to read the newspaper that day"Stephen Davies  Print: Newspaper
1800-1849Witness statements in trial for murder: William Lee: "I am a prisoner in the New prison, Clerkenwell, charged with felony... On Saturday, there was a talk about clubbi...Samuel Arundel  Print: Newspaper
1800-1849Witness statement in trial for forgery: Philip Miller: "On the 27th of April I was at the Horse and Groom public house with Green, a butcher -Pillin and the prisoner w...Philip Miller  Print: Newspaper
1800-1849Witness statement in trial for coining: John Leeming: "a few days afterwards I saw something in the newspaper, went to Lambeth-street, and saw him in the cells"John Leeming  Print: Newspaper
1800-1849Witness statement in trial for forgery: George Coombs: "I appointed to meet him [Conway] next evening at the coffee house in Pickett-street; I did so -while we were in...George Coobs  Print: Newspaper
1800-1849Witness statement in trial for theft: William Taylor: "I did not know he [Crane] was committed [for trial] till I saw it in the newspaper"William Taylor  Print: Newspaper
1800-1849Witness statement in trial for theft: William Gilbert: "I saw the Times newspaper on the 22nd of March, and in consequence of an advertisement I came to London that ni...William Gilbert The TimesPrint: Newspaper
1850-1899'Thomas Thompson, from a family of Lancashire weavers, grew up with tales of Robin Hood and the Black Hole of Calctta, as well as an abridged Faerie Queene and Pilgrim's ...Thomas Thompson [Old Testament]Print: Book
1800-1849Witness statement in trial for theft: William Owens: "I saw him [Peacock] at our house on Saturday evening the 6th of March... I know it was the 6th of March from my s...William Owens The TimesPrint: Newspaper
1850-1899'Thomas Thompson, from a family of Lancashire weavers, grew up with tales of Robin Hood and the Black Hole of Calctta, as well as an abridged Faerie Queene and Pilgrim's ...Thomas Thompson [tale of Robin Hood]Print: Book
1800-1849Witness statement in trial for theft: Jesse Adkins: "I am the landlord of the Laurel... My servant, Moore, came to me on the 20th of February -I went and missed a cand...Michael McCrea  Print: Newspaper
1850-1899'John Paton was raised in the Aberdeen slums on a diet of penny dreadfuls ("good healthy stuff for an imaginative boy") and he found similar thrills in the Bible, at leas...John Paton [Old and New Testament]Print: Book
1850-1899'John Paton was raised in the Aberdeen slums on a diet of penny dreadfuls ("good healthy stuff for an imaginative boy") and he found similar thrills in the Bible, at leas...John Paton [penny dreadfuls]Print: Book
1800-1849Witness statements in trial for theft: Lucy Tring: "In the parlour with me and my husband, who was reading the newspaper." John Howe: "On Thursday, the 2nd of Septe...Thomas Tring  Print: Newspaper, Pamphlet
1800-1849[reading the Bible], Robert Story, an early nineteenth century shepherd-poet, described the experience: "The unconsumed bush burned before me - the successive plagues tha...Robert Story [Bible]Print: Book
'When young, Frederick Rogers read not only the Bible as a thriler ("the men and women of the sacred books were as familiar to me as the men and women of Alexander Dumas"...Frederick Rogers [Bible]Print: Book
1800-1849Byron to Lady Melbourne, 30 October 1812: '... I see by the papers Ld. and Ly. Cowper are returned to Herts.'George Gordon, Lord Byron [newspapers]Print: Newspaper
1800-1849Byron to Lady Melbourne, 11 January 1813: 'I have been looking over my Kinsham premises which are close to a church and churchyard full of the most facetious Epitaphs I e...George Gordon, Lord Byron [epitaphs]Manuscript: tombstone epitaphs
1800-1849September 5 1840. Went this morning to the house in Ship and Anchor court. On the parlour window of the house formerly kept by my father was a bill, 'a first, second and ...Francis Place  Print: Advertisement, Handbill, Poster
1700-1799I was sent to another school in Wine Office Court, Fleet Street, when I was about seven years of age. At this old woman's school it can scarcely be said that I learnt any...Francis Place Dillworths Spelling BookPrint: Book

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