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the experience of reading in Britain, from 1450 to 1945...

Reading Experience Database UK Historical image of readers

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 √ Century of ExperienceEvidenceName of Reader / Listener / Reading GroupAuthor of TextTitle of TextForm of Text
1900-1945Bartlett dug out one of James Russell Lowell's poems, 'The Vision of Sir Launfal', though why he chose that dim poem I do not know: we went on to Tennyson, never learning...Victor Sawdon Pritchett Alfred Tennyson Print: Book
1800-1849Byron to John Murray, 24 November 1821, regarding John Cam Hobhouse's offence at his MS Memoirs: "Is there anything in the M.S.S. that could be personally obnoxious to hi...friends of ByronJohn Cam Hobhouse Manuscript: Letter
1800-1849Byron to John Murray, 26 May 1822, giving directions for burial of his daughter Allegra at Harrow Church: 'Near the door -- on the left as you enter -- there is a monumen...George Gordon Lord Byron  Manuscript: epitaph
1850-1899'Rose... remembers her father reading to them - Dickens, Scott, Robinson Crusoe, Shakespeare, Jane Austen, Meredith, Tom Jones, The Three Musketeers, Don Quixote, and, cu...George Macaulay Charles Dickens Print: Book
1850-1899'Rose... remembers her father reading to them - Dickens, Scott, Robinson Crusoe, Shakespeare, Jane Austen, Meredith, Tom Jones, The Three Musketeers, Don Quixote, and, cu...George Macaulay Walter Scott Print: Book
1850-1899'Rose... remembers her father reading to them - Dickens, Scott, Robinson Crusoe, Shakespeare, Jane Austen, Meredith, Tom Jones, The Three Musketeers, Don Quixote, and, cu...George Macaulay William Shakespeare Print: Book
1850-1899'Rose... remembers her father reading to them - Dickens, Scott, Robinson Crusoe, Shakespeare, Jane Austen, Meredith, Tom Jones, The Three Musketeers, Don Quixote, and, cu...George Macaulay Jane Austen Print: Book
1850-1899'Rose... remembers her father reading to them - Dickens, Scott, Robinson Crusoe, Shakespeare, Jane Austen, Meredith, Tom Jones, The Three Musketeers, Don Quixote, and, cu...George Macaulay George Meredith Print: Book
1850-1899'Daughter of the editor father, [Rose Macaulay] was given a copy of the complete works of Tennyson when she was eight and remembers knowing it "practically by heart"... S...Rose Macaulay Alfred Lord Tennyson Print: Book
1850-1899[Thackeray] 'Cd not endure Bulwer - no nature - nor Dickens - yet mentioned with greatest praise the Chap: before death of little Dombey.'William Makepeace Thackeray Edward Bulwer Lytton Print: Book
1850-1899'[T.A.] Jackson's tastes had been formed by the old books in his parents' home: "A fine set of Pope, an odd volume or two of the Spectator, a Robinson Crusoe, Pope's tran...Thomas A. Jackson Alexander Pope Print: Book
1800-1849[Percy Shelley's Reading List for 1815, compiled by Mary Shelley. Only texts not referred to in journal entries are given separate database entries here] 'Pastor Fido ...Percy Bysshe Shelley Plutarch Print: Book
1850-1899'[J.M. Dent's] reading was marked by the autodidact's characteristic enthusiasm and spottiness. He knew Pilgrim's Progress, Milton, Cowper, Thomson's Seasons and Young's ...Joseph Malaby Dent John Milton Print: Book
1850-1899'[J.M. Dent's] reading was marked by the autodidact's characteristic enthusiasm and spottiness. He knew Pilgrim's Progress, Milton, Cowper, Thomson's Seasons and Young's ...Joseph Malaby Dent William Cowper Print: Book
1850-1899'[J.M. Dent's] reading was marked by the autodidact's characteristic enthusiasm and spottiness. He knew Pilgrim's Progress, Milton, Cowper, Thomson's Seasons and Young's ...Joseph Malaby Dent William Shakespeare Print: Book
1850-1899'[J.M. Dent's] cultural contacts broadened when he became an apprentice bookbinder in London, discovering the work of William Morris, Cobden-Sanderson and the Arts and Cr...Joseph Malaby Dent William Morris Print: Book
1850-1899'[Philip Ballard] had no exposure to contemporary writers until the 1890s: "I gained a nodding acquaintance with the life and letters of Ancient Greece and Rome, and... I...Philip Ballard Charles Dickens Print: Book
1850-1899'[Philip Ballard] had no exposure to contemporary writers until the 1890s: "I gained a nodding acquaintance with the life and letters of Ancient Greece and Rome, and... I...Philip Ballard William Makepeace Thackeray Print: Book
1850-1899'[Philip Ballard] had no exposure to contemporary writers until the 1890s: "I gained a nodding acquaintance with the life and letters of Ancient Greece and Rome, and... I...Philip Ballard Walter Scott Print: Book
1900-1945'In the Star [Philip] Ballard read the music criticism of Bernard Shaw, and Richard le Gallienne on books... He pressed on to Meredith and Walter Pater'Philip Ballard Walter Pater Print: Book, Unknown

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