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the experience of reading in Britain, from 1450 to 1945...

Reading Experience Database UK Historical image of readers

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Genre(s): Bible

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940 records found. (displaying 20 per page)


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 √ Century of ExperienceEvidenceName of Reader / Listener / Reading GroupAuthor of TextTitle of TextForm of Text
1700-1799'It is most wonderfully resembling [italics] The Song of Solomon [italics], which was also addressed to a royal bride.'Mary, Lady Wortley Montagu Song of Songs (Old Testament)Print: Book
1800-1849Elizabeth Missing Sewell on her reading at school: 'At Miss Crooke's [school] [...] we learned Pinnock's Catechisms of History and Geography [...] For religious instruct...Pupils at Miss Crooke's school, Newport, Isle of Wight.Sarah Trimmer'Selections [from the Bible]'Print: Book
1800-1849Elizabeth Missing Sewell on her reading at school: 'At Miss Crooke's [school] [...] we learned Pinnock's Catechisms of History and Geography [...] For religious instruct...Pupils at Miss Crooke's school, Newport, Isle of Wight. Old Testament (extracts)Print: Book
1800-1849Elizabeth Missing Sewell on her reading at school: 'At Miss Crooke's [school] [...] we learned Pinnock's Catechisms of History and Geography [...] For religious instruct...Pupils at Miss Crooke's school, Newport, Isle of Wight. Gospels (extracts)Print: Book
1800-1849Elizabeth Missing Sewell on her reading at school: 'At Miss Crooke's [school] [...] we learned Pinnock's Catechisms of History and Geography [...] For religious instruct...Pupils at Miss Crooke's school, Newport, Isle of Wight. Acts of the Apostles (extracts)Print: Book
1800-1849'I was always given to strange scrupulous fancies, and not long before [leaving her first boarding school when aged almost thirteen] had made myself miserable, after read...Elizabeth Sewell Biblical story of JephthahPrint: Unknown
1800-1849Elizabeth Missing Sewell, on her mother's admiration for her writings: 'After my father's death, the only reading, except the Bible, which, for weeks, she would listen t...Jane Sewell The BiblePrint: Book
1900-1945Author describes being put into cell in Reading Gaol for the first time: 'That completed the furniture in the cell. But wait! I forgot the Bible! A humane Prison Commiss...Stuart Wood [pseud?] [n/a]The BiblePrint: Book
1900-1945Description of first month spent in Winchester Prison after sentence: 'Nearly twenty-three hours out of every twenty-four were spent in strict cellular confinement, with...Stuart Wood [pseud?] [n/a]BiblePrint: Book
1900-1945'I endeavoured to counteract this depression by reading the Bible, the only book I had besides a Prayer Book and a Protestant manual called the "Narrow Way", and by forci...Stuart Wood [pseud?] [n/a]BiblePrint: Book
1900-1945'I often found peace in the pages of Ecclesiastes or Isaiah, or in the writings of men whom Barry has described as the heralds of revolt - John Inglesant, George Eliot, C...Stuart Wood [pseud?] [n/a]BiblePrint: Book
1850-1899From Elizabeth Missing Sewell's Journal, 19 February 1856: 'I was reading to-day the 5th chapter of the epistle to the Hebrews. I have taken this epistle for a particul...Elizabeth Missing Sewell St PaulEpistle to the HebrewsPrint: Book
1800-1849'The evening was very stupid as both Betsey and Justine did not talk one being asleep and the other busily employed reading the bible' [according to Harriet Wynne]Justina Wynne [n/a]BiblePrint: Book
1800-1849'It being Sunday, we read prayers from a Bible and a Prayer Book that were picked up on the field at Bhoodkhak. The service was scarcely finished when a clannish row comm...Florentia Sale Bible and Prayer BookPrint: Book
1700-1799'Whenever I read in St Paul's Epistle on justification by faith alone, my good mistress would read in the Epistle of St James, such passages as say that a man is not just...James Lackington BiblePrint: Book
1700-1799'I often privately took the Bible to bed with me, and in the long summer mornings read for hours together in bed'.James Lackington BiblePrint: Book
1850-1899Sunday 18 October: 'we had service on the poop the Shoole master held it then was a box on board with books ther was bibles and prayer books and hyme books so it was ope...Maria Steley [n/a][Bible or Prayer Books or Hymn Books]Print: Book
1850-1899Monday 26 October 'we are sailing this Morning 9 miles a hour if we go on at that rate we shall soone be ther i Don't care how soon, we get ther A child died today it is...anon [n/a][funeral service]Print: Book
1800-1849'Then I became seized with a desire to know something about religion, and I read the commandments over and over again, as well as those portions of the Bible which I coul...Mark Jeffrey [n/a]BiblePrint: Book
1800-1849Extract from the journal of Adam Dodd: 'When I first came on board the A-, I was as thoughtless as anyone on board; but being soon afterwards made a teacher of a class, ...Adam Dodd [n/a]BiblePrint: Book

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