Updates – Moodle 2.0, Fixes and New Module Setting

Version 1.2.4, for Moodle 2.0,  has completed testing and is now available on the download screen.  There are a number of the bug fixes so it is well worth updating.  It also includes a module setting to restrict the number of records a user can create in a DataPlus instance.

Moodle 2.0 conversion is still ongoing and I am still hoping to have a beta for Christmas, however other work is beckoning so it maybe delayed to the end of January.

4 Responses to “Updates – Moodle 2.0, Fixes and New Module Setting”

  1. Mark Says:

    What’s the latest version that will work with 1.9, please ?

  2. Anthony Forth Says:

    All the currently available versions will work with 1.9.

  3. Mark Says:

    I see the issue: 1.2.5 install on 1.9.10 fails with this error

    (mysql): ALTER TABLE mdl_dataplus ADD maxentriesperuser INT(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 15 after maxentriesperuser
    1054: Unknown column ‘maxentriesperuser’ in ‘mdl_dataplus’
    ADOConnection._Execute(ALTER TABLE mdl_dataplus ADD maxentriesperuser INT(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 15 after maxentriesperuser, false) % line 891, file: adodb.inc.php
    ADOConnection.Execute(ALTER TABLE mdl_dataplus ADD maxentriesperuser INT(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 15 after maxentriesperuser) % line 89, file: dmllib.php
    execute_sql(ALTER TABLE mdl_dataplus ADD maxentriesperuser INT(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 15 after maxentriesperuser, true) % line 2302, file: dmllib.php
    execute_sql_arr(Array[1], true, true) % line 1060, file: ddllib.php
    add_field(Object:XMLDBTable, Object:XMLDBField) % line 116, file: upgrade.php

    It looks like the file upgrade. need these setAttribute() calls fixed:
    if ($result && $oldversion setAttributes(XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, ‘8’, XMLDB_UNSIGNED, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null, null, ’15’, ‘maxentriesperuser’);

    $result = $result && add_field($table, $field);

    if ($result && $oldversion setAttributes(XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, ‘1’, XMLDB_UNSIGNED, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null, null, ‘1’, ‘allowcomments’);

    $result = $result && add_field($table, $field);

    The last parameter of each setAttributes() call should be the previous field, i.e. maxentries and teachereditingother respectively

  4. admin Says:

    Thanks for that Mark. For some odd reason the upgrade doesn’t fail on my dev version, so I missed it. This bug is now fixed in the version available on the download page.