No rest for me in bed, therefore rise 1/2 past 4... summerhouse till 1/2 past 7 read Baker's Chronicles
Century: 1700-1799 Reader/Listener/Group: Gertrude Savile Print: Book
I left the old woman with mother as soon as supper was done. Read Baker's Chronicles 1 1/2 hours. Bed at 11.
Century: 1700-1799 Reader/Listener/Group: Gertrude Savile Print: Book
Century: 1700-1799 / 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Samuel Taylor Coleridge Print: Book
'Farell Lee Bevan's Peep of Day (759,000 copies in print by 1888) supplied him with the frame of a totalistic religious ideology: "It was from these pages that I got my first idea of the moral foundations of the universe, was handed the first key with which to unlock the mysteries of the world in which I found myself. These little books served the purpose of an index or filing system; a framework of iron dogma, if you like, providing an orderly arrangement of the world and its history for the young mind, under two main categories, Good and Evil". But Jones also attended a board school, where he found "salvation" in an old cupboard of books presented by the local MP. They were mainly volumes of voyages and natural history, "which took a Rhymney boy away into the realms of wonder over the seas to the Malay Archipelago, to Abyssinia, to the sources of the Nile and the Albert Nyanza, to the curiosities of natural history, piloted by James Bruce, Samuel Baker and Frank Buckland".'
Century: 1850-1899 Reader/Listener/Group: Thomas Jones Print: Book
'Monday March 13th. [...] Read Dramatic Biography [makes detailed notes from vol. I part i in
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Claire Clairmont Print: Book
'Tuesday March 14th. [...] Read Dramatic Biography'.
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Claire Clairmont Print: Book
[List of books read to Sir Thomas Browne by Elizabeth Lyttelton]. Headed in commonplace book: 'The books which my daughter Elizabeth hath read unto me at nights till she read ym all out'. The books are: 'all Plutarch's Lives, folio; all the Turkish historie, folio ; all the three added of ye Turkish emperours by Rycaut, fol.; all Rycaut's books of ye Turks, fol; all Baker's Cronicle of England, fol; all ye history of China by Semedo, fol; all the history of Josephus, fol; all fox his book of Martyrs, fol; all the Travills of Olearius & Mandelilo, fol; all the Travells of Taverniere, fol; all the Travells of Petrus della valle, fol; all the Travells of Vincent Le Blanck, fol; all the Travells of Pinto, fol; all the Travells of Gage, fol; the Travells of Terre, octavo; all the Historie of the life of Monsieur d' Espernoon, fol; all the historie of naples, fol; all the historie of Venice, fol; all the historie of Queen Elizabeth by Camden, fol; all the history of Herodian, fol; all the history of Procopius, fol; all Sands his Travells, fol; all Olaus Magnus of the Northern Countrys, fol; all Camerarius his observations, fol; all Suetonius of the Twelve Caesars, fol; all appians warrs, fol; all Speed's Cronicle to the life of King James, fol; So some parts of Purchas his Relations; some hundreds of Sermons. Many other Books, Treatises, discourses of severall Kinds, which may amount unto halfe the quantety of halfe the books in folio, which are before set down.'
Century: 1600-1699 / 1700-1799 Reader/Listener/Group: Elizabeth Lyttelton Print: Book
'In the evening I amused myself by reading "Cast up from the Sea" a book written by Mr Baker the Explorer. It served well to wile away a couple of hours'
Century: 1850-1899 Reader/Listener/Group: John Buckley Castieau Print: Book
'Stayed in all yesterday in crashing rain, and was busy at something all day till 1 at night, except reading "World" on run-away racehorse and pigeonshooting at lunch. French novel at tea, "La petite Comtesse", and Sir G. Baker on Gladstone, Baxter reading to me after dinner.'
Century: 1850-1899 Reader/Listener/Group: John Ruskin Print: Unknown