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the experience of reading in Britain, from 1450 to 1945...

Reading Experience Database UK Historical image of readers

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Giovanni Boccaccio : Opere (vols I-IV (of 6))


Century: 1800-1849     Reader/Listener/Group: Samuel Taylor Coleridge      Print: Book


Giovanni Boccaccio : Il Decamerone

"[William and Dorothy Wordsworth] probably read [the Decameron] together as he tutored her in Italian [1796] ... " This "consistent" with W[ordsworth]'s remark in Nov. 1805 to Walter Scott (followed by reference to Fourth "Day" of the Decameron): "'It is many years since I saw Boccae ...' Later in the letter W[ordsworth] quotes Boccacio from memory, showing that he knew the Decameron well."

Century: 1700-1799     Reader/Listener/Group: William and Dorothy Wordsworth     Print: Book


Giovanni Boccaccio : [story of Fra Cipolla, from Decameron]

'Looked into the "Marmi" of Doni... read Saccheti and Boccaccio's capital story of Fra Cipolla - one of his few good stories - and the Little Hunchback in the Arabian Nights, which is still better. Read Nardi in the evening'.

Century: 1850-1899     Reader/Listener/Group: George Eliot [pseud.]      Print: Book


Giovanni Boccaccio : Decameron

'Reading once again the "Processi" of Savonarola and Vol. III of Boccaccio'

Century: 1850-1899     Reader/Listener/Group: George Eliot [pseud]      Print: BookManuscript: Unknown


Boccaccio : Decameron

'Wednesday May 19th. [...] Read 11th. & 12th. Cantos of Purgatorio [...] '.

Century: 1800-1849     Reader/Listener/Group: Claire Clairmont      Print: Book


Boccaccio : Decameron

'Friday May 21st. [...] .'

Century: 1800-1849     Reader/Listener/Group: Claire Clairmont      Print: Book


Boccaccio : Decameron

'Saturday May 22nd. [...] .'

Century: 1800-1849     Reader/Listener/Group: Claire Clairmont      Print: Book


Boccaccio : Decameron

'Sunday May 23rd. [...] .'

Century: 1800-1849     Reader/Listener/Group: Claire Clairmont      Print: Book


Boccaccio : Decameron

'Tuesday May 25th. [...] .'

Century: 1800-1849     Reader/Listener/Group: Claire Clairmont      Print: Book


Boccaccio : Decameron

'Wednesday May 26th. .'

Century: 1800-1849     Reader/Listener/Group: Claire Clairmont      Print: Book


Boccaccio : Decameron

'Sunday May 30th. [...] .'

Century: 1800-1849     Reader/Listener/Group: Claire Clairmont      Print: Book


Boccaccio : Decameron

'Monday May 31st. [...] .'

Century: 1800-1849     Reader/Listener/Group: Claire Clairmont      Print: Book


Boccaccio : Decameron

'Tuesday June 1st. [...] '.

Century: 1800-1849     Reader/Listener/Group: Claire Clairmont      Print: Book


Boccaccio : Decameron

'Friday June 30th. Read the Life of Xenophon by Diogenes Laertius -- I am ill all day. .'

Century: 1800-1849     Reader/Listener/Group: Claire Clairmont      Print: Book


Giovanni Boccaccio : [possibly] Decameron

'read Bocaccio'

Century: 1800-1849     Reader/Listener/Group: Mary Shelley      Print: Book


Giovanni Boccaccio : Decameron

'read the Decameroni'

Century: 1800-1849     Reader/Listener/Group: Mary Shelley      Print: Book


Giovanni Boccaccio : Decameron

'Finish the Decamerone'

Century: 1800-1849     Reader/Listener/Group: Mary Shelley      Print: Book


Giovanni Boccaccio : [unknown]

'Read Beaumont & Fletcher - Dante and Lucan - S. reads the Greek tragedians and Boccacio [sic] [...] He reads Paradise Lost aloud'

Century: 1800-1849     Reader/Listener/Group: Percy Bysshe Shelley      Print: Book


Giovanni Boccaccio : [unknown]

'S. reads Bocaccio [sic] aloud - & Calderon with C.[harles] C.[lairmont]'

Century: 1800-1849     Reader/Listener/Group: Percy Bysshe Shelley      Print: Book


Giovanni Boccaccio : [unknown]

'Finish Muratori - Greek - Travels of Rolando - S. reads Robertson's America - begins Bocaccio [sic] aloud'

Century: 1800-1849     Reader/Listener/Group: Percy Bysshe Shelley      Print: Book


Giovanni Boccaccio : [unknown]

'Read Sismondi - Ride to Pisa - Georgics - B.[occaccio]'

Century: 1800-1849     Reader/Listener/Group: Percy Bysshe Shelley      Print: Book


Giovanne Boccaccio : Decomerone o ver Cento Novelle

'I have read no more of Boccac[c]io than his description of the plague which is extremely powerful from the hesitation you seemed to have in allowing me to read him I felt inclined to return it immediately - but on reflection I thought it silly to deprive myself of the pleasure of reading a clever work because it contained some exceptionable passages which I might pass of[f] even if I found them disagreeable - so I shall go on - at least as long as I find it for my good- '

Century: 1800-1849     Reader/Listener/Group: Jane Baillie Welsh      Print: Book


Giovanne Boccaccio : Decomerone o ver Cento Novelle

'Boccac[c]io I return! - I have read the introduction and three of the tales which I took by chance from different parts of the book - in the two first my choice was fortunate and I was inclined to think the work had been belied - the third was enough - I will never open the book again -'

Century: 1800-1849     Reader/Listener/Group: Jane Baillie Welsh      Print: Book


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