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7 December 1879: 'I was a little chilly in the morning [...] and I feared I had taken cold, so I did not go out. Read over the fire. First Freeman's account of the Bayeux tapestry, then some of Thackeray's Humorists.'
'Read Freeman on race and language, which holds well to date, especially in his negation of Austria and Turkey as possible empires. John v Arabic and Homer's "Odyssey" xix.'
'Lovely fine day — sat out wrapped up and read Freeman and did Italian with Hugo till he felt uncomfy and went down.'
'Perfectly fine and calm again. Father read us the finished article [on Trade Unions] to our great admiration. Then we did Italian and I read Sicilian history and a little Arabic. We saw a little land in the morning — it was the Portuguese coast just south of Finisterre. Mr Waugh brought me a note for 100 piastres issued by Gordon in Khartoum in April 1884 which I interpreted. I caught a stuffy cold in the morning sitting out in the wind.'