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'14th March 1929 ?They have used God Himself to cheer us! They have clothed him in lies and calumny to kill our souls?. (Gorki ? ?La M?re?) Just what have our Woodbine Willis meant in the face of this? [...] Gorki?s book would make most wonderful propaganda. Its simple beauty, idealistic appeal, and homely actuality would make it another ?Pilgrims Progress? or ?Uncle Tom?s Cabin? with the worker in England. Why not a cheap library of such books run by the I.L.P. [Independent Labour Party]? A Socialist Everyman? ?Pelagn?e knew people who had freed themselves from hate and rapacity; she understood that if the number of these people increased, the black and terrible face of life would become more kindly and simple, finer and brighter?.'
'20th March 1929. Finished ?La M?re? (Gorki)'