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From George Grote's diary, kept for his fiancee Harriet Lewin (1819): 'Between 4 and 5 read Mr. Galton's "Chart on the Late Depreciation of Bank Notes" [...] During the evening I read some more of Hemsterhuis'.
From George Grote's diary, kept for his fiancee Harriet Lewin (1819): '[after 11pm] Read Hemsterhuis for an hour -- some beautiful passages on religion. Bed at 12.'
From George Grote's diary, kept for his fiancee Harriet Lewin (1819): 'Rose at 9. Breakfasted and read some of Hemsterhuis, "Sur la Divinite." my brother Joseph came to town and interrupted me. Between 4 and 5 read the "Edinburgh Review" on Mill's British India, which is excellent [...] read with considerable attention some more of Hemsterhuis' "Sur la Divinite."'