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the experience of reading in Britain, from 1450 to 1945...

Reading Experience Database UK Historical image of readers

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Jefferies : [unknown]

'I began now to borrow from the Sanatorium Library books on nature and the countryside -Hardy, Hudson, Jefferies, Gilbert White; books on birds, animals, snakes and trees. And all these presented a picture of an England which, except in a few secluded spots, no longer survived.'

Century: 1900-1945     Reader/Listener/Group: Norman Nicholson      Print: Book


Richard Jefferies : 

'The evening was then devoted to Richard Jefferies - Poet-Naturalist. Ernest E. Unwin read a paper dealing with his life & the main aspects of his work. In this it was shown how the changes in environment & in health affected the style of his writings & an attempt was made to give a critical appreciation of his work. This was helped by numerous readings given by H.M. Wallis, Rosamund Wallis, C.I. Evans, Ursula D. Unwin, Howard R. Smith, & Ernest E. Unwin'.

Century: 1900-1945     Reader/Listener/Group: Ernest E. Unwin      Print: Book


Richard Jefferies : 

'The evening was then devoted to Richard Jefferies - Poet-Naturalist. Ernest E. Unwin read a paper dealing with his life & the main aspects of his work. In this it was shown how the changes in environment & in health affected the style of his writings & an attempt was made to give a critical appreciation of his work. This was helped by numerous readings given by H.M. Wallis, Rosamund Wallis, C.I. Evans, Ursula D. Unwin, Howard R. Smith, & Ernest E. Unwin'.

Century: 1900-1945     Reader/Listener/Group: Ernest E. Unwin      Print: Book


Richard Jefferies : 

'The evening was then devoted to Richard Jefferies - Poet-Naturalist. Ernest E. Unwin read a paper dealing with his life & the main aspects of his work. In this it was shown how the changes in environment & in health affected the style of his writings & an attempt was made to give a critical appreciation of his work. This was helped by numerous readings given by H.M. Wallis, Rosamund Wallis, C.I. Evans, Ursula D. Unwin, Howard R. Smith, & Ernest E. Unwin'.

Century: 1900-1945     Reader/Listener/Group: Henry Marriage Wallis      Print: Book


Richard Jefferies : 

'The evening was then devoted to Richard Jefferies - Poet-Naturalist. Ernest E. Unwin read a paper dealing with his life & the main aspects of his work. In this it was shown how the changes in environment & in health affected the style of his writings & an attempt was made to give a critical appreciation of his work. This was helped by numerous readings given by H.M. Wallis, Rosamund Wallis, C.I. Evans, Ursula D. Unwin, Howard R. Smith, & Ernest E. Unwin'.

Century: 1900-1945     Reader/Listener/Group: Rosamund Wallis      Print: Book


Richard Jefferies : 

'The evening was then devoted to Richard Jefferies - Poet-Naturalist. Ernest E. Unwin read a paper dealing with his life & the main aspects of his work. In this it was shown how the changes in environment & in health affected the style of his writings & an attempt was made to give a critical appreciation of his work. This was helped by numerous readings given by H.M. Wallis, Rosamund Wallis, C.I. Evans, Ursula D. Unwin, Howard R. Smith, & Ernest E. Unwin'.

Century: 1900-1945     Reader/Listener/Group: Ursula D. Unwin      Print: Book


Richard Jefferies : 

'The evening was then devoted to Richard Jefferies - Poet-Naturalist. Ernest E. Unwin read a paper dealing with his life & the main aspects of his work. In this it was shown how the changes in environment & in health affected the style of his writings & an attempt was made to give a critical appreciation of his work. This was helped by numerous readings given by H.M. Wallis, Rosamund Wallis, C.I. Evans, Ursula D. Unwin, Howard R. Smith, & Ernest E. Unwin'.

Century: 1900-1945     Reader/Listener/Group: Charles Evans      Print: Book


Richard Jefferies : 

'The evening was then devoted to Richard Jefferies - Poet-Naturalist. Ernest E. Unwin read a paper dealing with his life & the main aspects of his work. In this it was shown how the changes in environment & in health affected the style of his writings & an attempt was made to give a critical appreciation of his work. This was helped by numerous readings given by H.M. Wallis, Rosamund Wallis, C.I. Evans, Ursula D. Unwin, Howard R. Smith, & Ernest E. Unwin'.

Century: 1900-1945     Reader/Listener/Group: Howard Smith      Print: Book


Richard Jefferies : Story of my Heart, The

'The main business of the evening was then proceeded with - 5 mins essays upon some book read recently. Mrs Evans read 'An English Lumber Camp' - from internal evidence it is probably true that this was an essay drawn from real life rather than from any book read. It was a magnificent literary effort in the author's best style. Perhaps more of 'H.M.W.' than 'Ashton Hillier'. Mrs Smith read a paper upon 'The Garden of Survival' a book by Alg. Blackwood. The paper gave rise to much interest. The extraordinary beauty of the extracts read from the book and the insight into the spiritual meaning of 'Guidance' displayed by the author impressed us all. Ernest E. Unwin read a paper on 'The End of a Chapter' by Shane Leslie - this paper was written by H.M. Wallis & introduced most of us to a new writer of power. The change in the world, in the balance of the classes & their future importance formed the theme of the book. Mary Hayward described her discovery of 'The Story of my Heart' by Richard Jefferies & read some extracts from it.'

Century: 1900-1945     Reader/Listener/Group: Mary Hayward      Print: Book


John Richard Jefferies : Life in a Southern County

'To my surprise (as I disliked the ''Life of Jefferies'' so much) I like his ''Wild Life in a Southern County'' very much. The descriptions of country and birds are excellent...'

Century: 1850-1899     Reader/Listener/Group: Emma Darwin      Print: Book


Richard Jefferies : The Story of My Heart

'One smiles at the vision of the gentle Richard Jefferies slaughtering wild cattle in the palaeolithic way, but that feeling and desire which he describes with such passion in his "Story of my Heart", that survival of the past, is not uncommon in the hearts of hunters'

Century: 1850-1899 / 1900-1945     Reader/Listener/Group: William Henry Hudson      Print: Book


Richard Jefferies : Field and Hedgerow

'Field and Hedgerow'

Century: 1850-1899     Reader/Listener/Group: Sarah Good      Print: Book


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