'A Meeting held at Whinfell 21/1/29 Alfred Rawlings in the chair
1. Minutes of last time read and approved
4. The Subject of Plato was then taken F. E. Pollard explained briefly the subject and manner
of "The Republic"
following which Alfred and Janet Rawlings read one of the earlier dialogues. H. B. Lawson then
gave us a most
fascinatingly interesting account of Plato's life and work.
After supper Chas E. Stansfield read from Book 7 of the "Republic" "The Cave" this reading
being illustrated by a
diagram kindly made and explained by F. E. Pollard. F. E. Pollard then outlined for us the main
thoughts of Platos [sic]
Philosophy Ideas the true reality[.] The evening concluded by T. C. Elliott reading the affecting
account of Socrates
death in the Phaedo. Thus came to an end a most interesting evening.'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: H. B. Lawson Manuscript: Unknown
'A Meeting held at Grove House May 3rd H. B. Lawson in the chair
Min 1. Minutes of last Read and approved
[Min] 4 The Subject of the evening "Humour" was then introduced by H. B. Lawson who fascinated us by his thoughtful attempts to
define his subject[.] An interesting discussion followed in which the disputants backed their opinions by literary allusion and we
were led to wonder if Humour flowed from F E Pollards heart & wit from R H Robsons head.
After Supper the Club settled down to enjoy the following selections chosen to represent English Humour in literature down the
Prologue of Chaucers Canterbury Tales The Prioress & Wife of Bath read by Howard R. Smith
Shakespeares Henry IV The Men in Buckram read by R. H Robson Fallstaff
[ditto] S. A. Reynolds Poins
[ditto] C. E. Stansfield Prince Hall [sic]
[ditto] Geo Burrow Gadshill
Jane Austin Pride & Prejudice Mr. Collins proposes
[ditto] Mrs Robson
Charles Dickens David Copperfield Mrs Micawber on her husbands career[?] Geo Burrow
Charles Lamb A Letter Alfred Rawlings
Lewis Carrols Alice in Wonderland The Lobster Quadrill Mary Reynolds
Jerome K. Jerome Three Men in a Boat Uncle Podger hangs a picture F. E. Pollard
Hilaire Belloc Cautionary Tales "George" recited by Howard R. Smith'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: H. B. Lawson Manuscript: Unknown