'De Quincey recalled the time ... when he persuaded W[ordsworth] to read [Harriet] Lee's The German's Tale:
'This most splendid tale I put into the hands of Wordsworth; and, for once, having, I suppose, nothing else to read, he condescended to run through it. I shall not report his opinion, which, in fact, was no opinion ... "'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: William Wordsworth Print: Book
Byron to Augusta Leigh, 12 December 1822, on the inspiration for his play Werner: 'The Story "the German's tale" [in Sophia and Harriet Lee's Canterbury Tales] from which I took it [ha]d a strange effect upon me when I read it as a boy -- and it has haunted me ever since -- from some singular conformity between it & my ideas.'
Century: 1700-1799 / 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: George Gordon Lord Byron Print: Book
'Read the German's tale'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Mary Shelley Print: Book