John Wilson Croker to his wife, 28 July 1850:
'After dinner I read some of the letters written by Charles Long and Lord Mulgrave to the late
Lord Lonsdale about the time I came into political life, which of course amused me. Lord
Mulgrave writes to Lord Lonsdale, in October, 1809, to say that he had written to offer the
Secretary of the Admiralty "to Mr. Croker who was active, quick, and intelligent, and who
might go off to Canning if he were not attended to." In this last point, at least, Lord Mulgrave
was mistaken, for before the offer was made me, I had already answered Mr Canning that I
could not take his view of the differences in the Cabinet.'
Century: 1850-1899 Reader/Listener/Group: John Wilson Croker