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'A Tutor was reading Lectures of Morality to his pupil at Oxford; one of the Lectures ended thus - Ubi desenit ethicus, incipit I:C:T:U:S. which is an Abbreviation though not the commonest of [italics] Juris Consultus [end italics]; the Tutour however not aware read it thus - ubi desenet Ethicus, incipit [italics] Ictus [end italics]; and begun explaining away accordingly - Where Morality ends - Strife begins &c in Lord Corke's Letters there is much such a Mistake as this; he had picked up an Epitaph he thought remarkable - it has these Letters in it I:V: Doctor et Eques - the meaning is obviously this Juris, Vtriusque Doctor et Eques: my Lord however being a true Hibernian, translates it thus: an [italics] honest man [end italics] Doctor and Knight: mistaking the I:V: for an Abbreviation of [italics] Iustus Vir [end italics] I suppose'.