[note in diary upon finishing Mackintosh's "Vindiciae Gallicae"]: 'As far as I am a Judge I think this work very well understood. The author is master on his subject & has the art of rendering others. HE is not scurrilous. He argues well, he seldom begs the question. He narrates what has passed in France, traces causes with precision - perhaps he speaks too strongly in the latter part. I gained much information from his work.'
Century: 1700-1799 Reader/Listener/Group: Anna Larpent Print: Book
'I think you will like Sir James Mackintosh's Life; it is full of his own thoughts upon men, books and events, and I derived from it the greatest pleasure. He makes most honourable mention of your mother, whom I only know by one of her productions, - enough to secure my admiration'.
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Sydney Smith Print: Book
'Perused, with delight and admiration, Mackintosh's "Preliminary Discourse on the Study of the Law of Nature and Nations"...'
Century: 1700-1799 Reader/Listener/Group: Thomas Green Print: Book
'Read Mackinosh's "Vindiciae Gallicae". His style and manner in the Piece are magnificent, but uniformly cumbrous, and occasionally coarse...'
Century: 1700-1799 Reader/Listener/Group: Thomas Green Print: Book
'The review [by Maria Edgeworth] of "Les Peines et les Recompenses" [French edition by Dumont of Bentham's treatise] cannot please Sir Js Mackintosh because it expresses sentiments on [italics] utility [end italics] different from those which he has endeavored, contrary to his conscience, to establish in compliment we suppose to Madame de Stael, in his "Edinburgh Review" of her "Allemagne".'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Richard Lovell Edgeworth Print: Serial / periodical
'I have just received my dear Mackintosh's 'History of the Revolution' ... I cannot read it with quiet nerves.'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Jessie Sismondi Print: Book