Hugh Stuart Boyd to Elizabeth Barrett, in hand of an amanuensis, letter postmarked 19
January 1843:
'Since I last wrote to you, the Poems of Darthula has been read to me again. It appears to
me, a thing very extraordannary [sic], that a mind like yours, should not take grate [sic]
delight in such Poetry as that of Ossian.'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Hugh Stuart Boyd Print: Book
Hugh Stuart Boyd to Elizabeth Barrett, in hand of amanuensis, letter postmarked 3 March
'Since I last wrote to you expressly on the Poems of Ossian; I have read another, called, The
death of Cuthullin [sic]. I found, that it contained the idea you admired so much, about the
darkened half of the moon, behind its growing light [...] Harriet Holmes who read it to me,
thought it finer than the other [?Carric-thura]. I myself am doubtfull [sic] about it.'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Harriet Holmes Print: Book
Elizabeth Barrett to Hugh Stuart Boyd, 31 March 1843:
'I feel guilty before you, since your last letter has remained too long unanswered [...] I
thought it necessary to read "Cuthullin" steadily through as a preliminary to replying to your
remarks upon it. This has been achieved at last [...] I admit the great beauty of certain things
in the poem [...] although I preserve my opinion upon the general monotony & defective
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Elizabeth Barrett Print: Book