On reading a work by M. Auguste Maquet entitled Les Vertes Feuilles.
See, "The Green Leaves", I leave them here uncut, −
Drop them, recoiling, at the first debut −
Lay down the book and with superb disdain,
Smiling but sold, go on my way again
Through life’s green vale, remarking simply “Zut!”
Devoid of style, of fable and of smut,
How, how, shall I portray its dullness? − Tut!
See for yourself − see, whelmed in grief and pain, −
See "The Green Leaves"!
Thus one, sweet-toothed, yet of a tender gut,
Who sees before him many peaches put
In some tall cafe by the shores of Seine,
Schools his bold heart to choose and to refrain:
The ripe he eats with gluttonous ardour − but,
See, the green leaves!'
Century: 1850-1899 Reader/Listener/Group: Robert Louis Stevenson Print: Book