"By an accidental combination of circumstances I only saw your article on my 'secularism' this afternoon. I have no complaints to make of it & no wish to carry on the controversy. But I do wish (for I value highly your good opinion on moral character & respect all your opinions) to acquit myself from one or two charges of unfairness to Mr Maurice."
Century: 1850-1899 Reader/Listener/Group: Leslie Stephen Print: Book
"Excuse all this; but though you may not easily give me credit I really admired Mr Maurice; I attended his lectures as a boy; I studied his books carefully & I should be sorry that you think of my errors as caused by carelessness or undue superciliousness. They are at least the outcome of a good deal of as conscientious thinking as I can give."
Century: 1850-1899 Reader/Listener/Group: Leslie Stephen Print: Book
'Reading; First book of Lucretius, 6th book of the Iliad; Samson Agonistes, Warton's History of English Poetry; Grote 2nd vol; Marcus Aurelius; Vita Nuova; vol IV, Chapter 1 of the Politique positive; Guest on English Rhythms, Maurice's Lectures on Casuistry'.
Century: 1850-1899 Reader/Listener/Group: George Eliot [pseud.] Print: Book
'But I think you are probably seeing more of what has never fallen in my way exactly, but of what I read of in that striking and curious sermon of Mr Maurice's, entitled 'Religion versus God'. In which he spoke of the falseness of that religious spirit which led people to disregard those nearest to them, to wound or leave those whom God had placed around and about and dependent on them, in search of some new sphere of action.'
Century: 1850-1899 Reader/Listener/Group: Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell Print: Unknown
'As for his private occupations [during 1834], my father was still reading his Racine, Moliere, and Victor Hugo among other foreign literature; and had also dipped into Marurice's work Eustace Conway, which appears [from letters] to have been in great disfavour, and into Arthur Coningsby by John Sterling, "a dreary book"'.
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Alfred Tennyson Print: Book
'I remember [...] [Tennyson's] reading with admiration this passage from Maurice's Friendship of Books. "If I do not give you extracts from any of Milton's specially controversial writings, it is not that I wish to pass them over because the conclusions in them are often directly opposed to mine, for I think that I have learnt most from those that are so."'
Century: 1850-1899 Reader/Listener/Group: Alfred Tennyson Print: Book
From Emily Tennyson's Journal, 1869:
'Dec. 11th. Farringford. A. read me some of Maurice's Social Morals; "a noble book" it seemed to me, as A. called it.'
Century: 1850-1899 Reader/Listener/Group: Alfred Tennyson Print: Book
James Martineau to Hallam Tennyson (1893), recalling meetings of the Metaphysical Society:
'I remember a special interest shown by your father in a paper contributed by the Rev. F. D. Maurice on the meaning of the words "Nature," "Natural," "Supernatural," November 21st, 1871 [...]
'The other subjects on which papers were read in your father's presence were the following:
'July 14, 1869. The commonsense philosophy of causation: Dr W. B. Carpenter.
'June 15, 1870. Is there any Axiom of Causation? Myself. (Mr Tennyson in the chair.)
'July 13. The relativity of Knowledge: Mr Fred. Harrison.
'Dec. 13. The emotion of Conviction: Mr Walter Bagehot.
'July 11, 1871. What is Death? Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol.
'July 9, 1872. The supposed necessity for seeking a solution of ultimate Metaphysical Problems: Mr F. Harrison.
Nov. 12. The five idols of the Theatre: Mr Shadworth H. Hodgson.
Dec. 16, 1873. Utilitarianism: Professor Henry Sidgwick.
Feb. 12, 1878. Double truth: Rev. M. Pattison, Rector of Lincoln College, Oxford.'
Century: 1850-1899 Reader/Listener/Group: Rev. F. D. Maurice
'I am deep in ''Maurice'', and if I could keep to my resolution of never even trying to understand him, I should quite enjoy the book.'
Century: 1850-1899 Reader/Listener/Group: Emma Darwin Print: Book