'She [Lady Caroline Lamb] wrote at length to defend herself to [Thomas] Medwin, whom she treats respectfully, though she had told [John Cam] Hobhouse that it would have been better to publish Byron's journal rather than burn it, for Medwin's book [Journal of the Conversations of Lord Byron] was "full of vulgarity & erros--even as to dates"'.
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Lady Caroline Lamb Print: Book
'With the most intense interest I have just finished your Book which does you credit as to the manner in which it is executed, and after the momentary pain in part which it excites in many a bosom, will live in despight [sic] of censure and be gratefully accepted by the Public as long as Lord Byron's name is remembered--yet as you have left to one who adored him a little legacy and as I feel secure the lines "remember thee-thou false to him then friend time"--were his--and as I have been very ill I am not likely to trouble any one much longer--you will I am sure grant me one favour--let me to you at least confide the truth of the past--you owe it to me--you will not I know refuse me [...] Still I love him [Byron]--witness the agony I experienced at his death & the tears your book has cost me. Yet, Sir, allow me to say, although you have unitentionally given me pain I had rather have experienced it than not have read your book. Parts of it are beautiful, and I can vouch for the truth of much as I read his own memoirs before Murray burnt them.'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Lady Caroline Lamb Print: Book
'pray have you read Medwin's Book--the part respecting me gives me much pain--this is strange--why need I care--I do however [...]'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Lady Caroline Lamb Print: Book
'Friday, January 28th [...] I read Medwin's book upon Lord Byron. -- My God, what lies that book
contained! Poor Shelley is made to play quite a secondary part [goes on to criticise book further,
and in detail] [...] When I was in bed today, I wept a great deal because my reading of to-day
had brought back Shelley vividly to my mind [goes on to inveigh against Byron's 'imposture' and
his treatment of his, and her, illegitimate daughter].'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Claire Clairmont Print: Book
'Medwin reads Dramatic scenes to us & a part of his journal in India''
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Thomas Medwin Manuscript: diary
'Since my letter to Emma I have read again Medwin's conversations of Byron...'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Jessie Sismondi Print: Book