'Meeting held at 64, Northcourt Avenue. 24th. Sept. 1945.
Rosamund Wallis in the chair.
1. The minutes of the last meeting were read and signed.
4. Arnold Joselin outlined very briefly the History of Science. He divided the
subject into three parts. The origins of knowledge in very early days, The
beginnings of scientific development from the 15th to the 19th centuries and
Modern Science. He mentioned many of the outstanding figures in the Scientific
world, and the discoveries for which they were famous. He ended by suggesting as
a subject for a future Book Club meeting “The Unity of Science and Religion”.
5. Austin Miller then expounded the theory of Scientific Method, as applied, not
only in the normal way, to scientific research, but also to the Arts and indeed to
every sphere of life. He defined Scientific Method in a word as
‘objectivity’ — or the elimination of opinion and the substitution of
evidence. In the discussion which followed, most us found ourselves too much in
agreement with Dr. Miller to provide an effective opposition, but F. E. Pollard
considered that Scientists were guilty of an act of Faith rather than one of proved
truth, in supposing that natural laws which have always been obeyed in the past,
will continue to be obeyed in the future.
6. Bruce Dilks explained that he had intended to conclude the evening by talking to
us on scale, size and measurement. Unfortunately all his notes and diagrams had
been left on the Isle of Wight, so instead he offered to answer questions on
popular fallacies. [...]
[signed as a true record by] Arnold G. Joselin 22 Oct. 1945. [at the club meeting
held at 7, Marlborough Avenue: see Minute Book, p. 43.]'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: A. Austin Miller Manuscript: Unknown