'I noticed, with pleasure, the insertion of your "Critique": but was very much mortified, - at seeing the pitiful conclusion which the Editor had foisted in,- in addition to the error in the signature. 'Tis a matter of no consequence - only it [italics]ruffles[end italics] in the mean-time. Our Bard has at length compelled them to print his poetry - and prose too, for, was not that same [italics]Blattum-Bulgium[end italics] disquisition his? And had not he a letter last week "on Burns"? - What a flo[w] of language - what a strength of epithet he pos[s]esses!'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Thomas Carlyle Print: Serial / periodical
'A-propos of Authors - This evening at tea, Miss Ramsay (our governess) inquired at me if I had read that affecting representation of the Calamities of Literary men, in the last Courier;- replying in the negative, she handed me the paper: - and judge of my surprise when, looking at the bottom, I recognised the signature of Mr. Murray - You will readily conceive, I read it with additional interest on this account - but allow me to remark (and this is all the Critique I design to pass on it) that it needed no such adventitious circumstance to recommend it. The melancholy truth which it contains, and the elegant sympathysing manner in which it is told, speak for themselves. - In sober sadness, now, did you really see that same melancholy old author, at Merchiston? - or is he not a creature of Mr. Murray's brain? Tell me whether I am right in being inclined to adopt the latter opinion.'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Thomas Carlyle Print: Serial / periodical