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the experience of reading in Britain, from 1450 to 1945...

Reading Experience Database UK Historical image of readers

Listings for Author:  

Isabel Paterson


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Isabel Paterson : [column in ] New York Herald Tribune Books

'I read about your earlier dinner quite by accident in "Books" - & by the way I have never had the copy with your Stephen Crane article. I liked [underlined] very [end underlining] much the article about Ezra - I have read Hemingway's book - It seems pretty good. I like that hard clean sort of effect - but I think it gives also the effect of brittleness - or is that nonsense? It is also rather dazzling & tiring. He has touched me off rather nastily - rather on Jean's lines - So I feel very discouraged! Even you don't quite escape. Still its all of no consequence. Jenny had Violet's book lying about yesterday, which really [underlined] did [end underlining] rather upset me - The Envoi appears to say, that with someone who has had so [underlined] many [end underlining] final grand Passions there will [underlined] never [end underlining] be [underlined] any [end underlining] means of knowing who was really "the" one!

Century: 1900-1945     Reader/Listener/Group: Esther Gwendolyn, 'Stella' Bowen      Print: Serial / periodical


Isabel Paterson : [manuscripts]

'I was out like a lark at nine this morning to breakfast with Isabel Paterson - who did not expect me till one, Sunday breakfast here being alleesamee lunch. So she was not up and I sat and read manuscripts of hers till twelve and at one I had to go and give Capes lunch at the Nat Arts Club'

Century: 1900-1945     Reader/Listener/Group: Ford Madox Ford      Manuscript: Unknown


Isabel Paterson : [review of 'It Was The Nightingale' in] New York Herald Tribune Book Review

'Ray Postgate has given me some [underlined] excellent [end underlining] reviews of it was the Nightingale by Isabel Paterson & (better still) by W.R. Benet under the title "Uncle Ford". I expect you have seen them.'

Century: 1900-1945     Reader/Listener/Group: Esther Gwendolyn, 'Stella' Bowen      Print: Serial / periodical


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