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the experience of reading in Britain, from 1450 to 1945...

Reading Experience Database UK Historical image of readers

Listings for Author:  

Marguerite Poradowska


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Marguerite Poradowska : Yaga: ésquisse de moeurs ruthénes

''I have finished "Yaga" - twice. I shall write nothing to you about it while I am still under its charm.'

Century: 1850-1899     Reader/Listener/Group: Joseph Conrad      Print: Serial / periodical


Marguerite Poradowska : La Madone de Busowiska, moeurs houtsoules

'Thank you for your letter and the "Revue [des deux Mondes"], which I received two days ago. I have read "La Madone [de Busowska]" and am pleased to have read it in French and in your adaptation, for I think it must be tiring indeed in Polish if [Ladislas] Lozinski - like the others - is in the habit of "marking time" as you put it. Naturally I do not find there the "relief", the distinct style one finds in "Yaga", but I recognise with very great pleasure the language, style, indeed almost all the purely literary pleasure the reading of "Yaga" gave me. The fact is that, restored in appetite (if I may express myself so), I have just reread "Yaga"-which I like more than ever.'

Century: 1850-1899     Reader/Listener/Group: Joseph Conrad      Print: Serial / periodical


Marguerite Poradowska : Yaga: esquisse de moeurs ruthenes

'Thank you for your letter and the "Revue [des deux Mondes"], which I received two days ago. I have read "La Madone [de Busowska]" and am pleased to have read it in French and in your adaptation, for I think it must be tiring indeed in Polish if [Ladislas] Lozinski - like the others - is in the habit of "marking time" as you put it. Naturally I do not find there the "relief", the distinct style one finds in "Yaga", but I recognise with very great pleasure the language, style, indeed almost all the purely literary pleasure the reading of "Yaga" gave me. The fact is that, restored in appetite (if I may express myself so), I have just reread "Yaga"-which I like more than ever.'

Century: 1850-1899     Reader/Listener/Group: Joseph Conrad      Print: Book


Marguerite Poradowska : Popes et popadias (published in book form as Les Filles du Pope)

'I threw myself (in a manner of speaking) on "Popes et popadias" with eagerness and high hopes. From the first lines my hopes were realised - and then very quickly surpassed. It is a marvel of observation, which gives the liveliest pleasure as such, not to mention the style,which I do not dare judge- but let me say it charmed me. You are very good at description. Beginning with the ferry crossing under a threatening sky, I read the entire series of scenes which make up your charming tale with avidity. It takes a small scale narrative (short story) to show the master's hand.'

Century: 1850-1899     Reader/Listener/Group: Joseph Conrad      Print: Serial / periodical


Marguerite Poradowska : Joujou

'I am charmed with "Joujou". It is altogether and delightfully shocking. Where the devil did you find it? Pardon the nautical language.'

Century: 1850-1899     Reader/Listener/Group: Joseph Conrad      Print: Serial / periodical


Marguerite Poradowska : Le Mariage du fils Grandsire

'Yesterday evening I escaped from the ship for the pilgrimage to the station. I have my parcel No.4000 and something. Just imagine a work of art called parcel No.4000, etc,etc,etc [...] It was late. I have read only the first chapter. I cannot judge even if I dared. But from the first pages I am in the presence of your charming originality. It is really you! I do not have time to read the book at one sitting but I will really savour it.'

Century: 1850-1899     Reader/Listener/Group: Joseph Conrad      Print: Book


Marguerite Poradowska : Le Mariage du fils Grandsire

'I am reading "Le fils Grandsire" with delight. It is charming and characteristic: it is alive. I shall finish the book tomorrow and speak of it in my next letter.'

Century: 1850-1899     Reader/Listener/Group: Joseph Conrad      Print: Book


Marguerite Poradowska : Le Mariage du fils Grandsire

'I finished the book [Le Mariage du fils Grandsire] a while ago; then I went over several passages while waiting the chance to reread it entirely.' [here follows Conrad's appreciative and detailed comments on the novel, which is set in Lille in the years leading up to the Franco-Prussian war and tells of Michel Grandsire who marries against the wishes of his family, his wife deserts him, he joins the army; gravely wounded he is nursed by his childhood sweetheart (from ed.footnote p.146 in source text)

Century: 1850-1899     Reader/Listener/Group: Joseph Conrad      Print: Book


Marguerite Poradowska : Yaga: ésquisse de moeurs ruthènes

''I reread "Yaga" only the other day. It gave me intense pleasure. I read slowly and mingled my dreams with these pages that I love so well.'

Century: 1850-1899     Reader/Listener/Group: Joseph Conrad      Print: Book, Serial / periodical, not clear whether this was being read in the book version or that published in the Revue des Deux Monde


Marguerite Poradowska : Le Mariage du fils Grandsire

'I have just reread "Le fils Grandsire", opening the book at random, and continuing at random, I have read every single word. with an odd and entirely sentimental fondness,I truly love this book. On every page I find you at your most lovable.'

Century: 1850-1899     Reader/Listener/Group: Joseph Conrad      Print: Book


Marguerite Poradowska : Pour Noemi

'I add a few words above all to talk to you about the book. I've read the novel for the third time, faithfully--from one end to the other. It's very good. It's very good! The characters are defined with a precision which I envy in you. [...] I love the book.There is a very gentle charm and also power in the style.' Hence follows five more lines of praise.

Century: 1900-1945     Reader/Listener/Group: Joseph Conrad      Print: Book


Marguerite Poradowska : Hors du Foyer

'It was a joy to have your book ["Hors du Foyer"]. A thousand thanks. I have just finished reading it and, and I am charmed.'

Century: 1900-1945     Reader/Listener/Group: Joseph Conrad      Print: Book


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