'I find distraction in writing, with a growing sense that it is not worth the trouble; but at 64 it is too late to learn a new trade. I read a bit too; though books have become dull of late. However, they amuse me at times. You sent me one the other day by a certain Santayana; who seems to be a bright & fresh sort of person. He irritated me a little by a rather meaningless philosophy; "nothing", he said, I remember, "is objectively impressive." How the devil should it be?'
Century: 1850-1899 Reader/Listener/Group: Leslie Stephen Print: Book
Henry James to Mrs William James, 22 May 1900: 'Thank you [...] for telling me of Santayana's book (P. and R.) which has come and which I find of an irresistible distraction.'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Henry James Print: Book
'[included in diary entry] SANTAYANA ('Reason in Common Sense')
"There may well be intense consciousness in the total absence of rationality. Such consciousness is suggested in dreams, in madness and may be found for all we know, in the depths of universal nature".'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Antonia White Print: Book
'A Meeting held at Broomfield June 6 1929
Geo H Burrow in the chair
Min 1. Minutes of last time read and approved
5 The Subject of the evening Modern American Literature was then taken F. E. Pollard
introducing us to a number of Authors in a short general Survey. Geo Burrows then read us
several short examples in Verse[.]
Rosamund Wallis read two passages from "the Bridge of St Louis Rey" by Thornton Wilder[.]
Thos C. Elliott read an essay on "War" by George Santiana[.]
Chas E Stansfield read a poem "Renaissance by E. St Vincent Millay[.]
R. H. Robson gave us two readings from Sinclair Lewis’s Babbit'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Thomas C. Elliott