'It is known to every learned Divine, that the Priests engross'd the whole Country of [italics] Egypt [end italics], as the eldest Son of ev'ry Priest was born a Priest, and therefore intitled to a tenth Part of the Land, upon which [italics] Joseph [end italics] who was not only an admirable Man, but an excellent Politician, and had a divine Revelation that the Land should suffer Famine ten Years, ordered the Priests to pay in all their Subsidies to the King, whereby in those ten Years of Dearth the King purchased at so low a Rate, as giving the People a little Corn, all the Lands in [italics] Egypt [end italics]. These are Remarks of the admirable Lord [italics] Shaftesbury [end italics], whose inimitable Style and clear Manner of Reasoning, carry Conviction with them.
I never knew any Clergyman who quoted him, but to his prejudice, except Doctor [italics] Turnbull [end italics]: And yet I can't see why the Morality or the Preaching of it, should in any wise be offensive to a Christian'
Century: 1700-1799 Reader/Listener/Group: Laetitia Pilkington Print: Book