Saturday 20 April 1935: 'The scene has now changed to Rodmell [...] Good Friday was a complete fraud -- rain & more rain. I tried walking along the bank [...] Then I came home & read -- Stephen Spender [The Destructive Element] [...] It has considerable swing & fluency; & some general ideas; but peters out in the usual litter of an undergraduates table [discusses text further]'.
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Virginia Woolf Print: Book
'I had by this time [his mid-teens] also struck up a friendship with a young, unemployed, linotype operator, six or seven years older than myself. He lived in a street at the back of the Lodging House, was a member of the Left book Club, and lent me (among much else) his copy of Orwell's "The Road to Wigan Pier". Somehow, too, I came upon the poems of Auden, Spender, Day-Lewis, MacNeice; Isherwood's "Goodbye to Berlin".'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Charles Causley Print: Book