'"One advantage of leaving school at an early age is that one can study subjects of your own choice", wrote Frank Argent, son of a Camberwell labourer. Taking advantage of the public library and early Penguins, he ranged all over the intellectual landscape: Freudian psychology, industrial administration, English literature, political history, Blake, Goethe, Mill,Nietzsche, The Webbs, Bertrand Russell's Essays in Scepticism, and Spengler's The Decline of the West'.
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Frank Argent Print: Book
'I?m glad you like the Shaw. Stanley bought me one of the early editions ? I haven?t read it through yet ? I?m trying to get through Spengler?s second volume of The Decline of the West. Have just finished ? Du cot? de chez Swann?. By the way let me know a list of good modern French novels ? especially novels of ideas ? the Catholic movement, the socialists, etc?'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Winifred Agnes Moore Print: Book