'A Meeting held at 70 Northcourt Avenue 25th September 1929 C. E Stansfield in the
Min 1. Minutes of last time read and approved
2 Mrs T C Elliott was wellcomed to the club in a felicitous speech by the chairman
3 The Secretary read a letter of resignation of Membership from Muriel Bowman Smith he was
directed unanimously to ask her to reconsider the matter.
7 Holiday Essays were read R H Robson a family holiday at Mort[?] Geo Burrow The
Jamboree & thoughts thereon C. E. Stansfield on a Swiss Holiday whilst H M Wallis chatted on
some aspects of Bordighera.'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Charles E. Stansfield Manuscript: Unknown
'Meeting held at School House
T. C. Elliott in the chair
1. Minutes of last Meeting read and approved
5. The subject of the evening Ghost Stories was then taken
H. R. Smith read an account written by Clarkson Wallis of a ghost appearing in Brighton
Geo Burrows read a Newcastle Ghost story
Miss Brain read of the Ghost of Southcote Manor & Mrs Elliott read of Mrs S. The Morton
C. E. Stansfield read an essay on the subject especially with reference to the work of the
Physchical [sic]
Research Society thereafter he and H. R. Smith told a story apiece.'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Charles E. Stansfield Manuscript: Unknown
'Meeting held at 73 Northcourt Avenue
Friday 28th March 1930
1. Minutes of last meeting were approved.
6. A warm message of sympathy to be sent to our secretary, H R Smith
7. F E Pollard opened the discussion by speaking on The Cinema and The Theatre pointing out
that the silent film could only represent incidents & visible emotions, the Talkie was a
mechanical reproduction, while the best dramatic art must be given there and then by living
Personalities[.] Each may have its place but it would be a disaster if the theatre was driven
out of existence. Geo Burrows followed dealing with the influence of films on backward Races to whom the
worst was often shown with undesirable effects; & the possibilities of using Films for
missionary work.
H R Robson thought Films were of little use in Education; he regarded them as a species of
dope, in which he indulged for the soporific effect.
C E Stansfield whilst disclaiming any familiarity of them spoke of their possible deleterious
influence on our language which he heard would before long be “Ammricanized” [sic] he
dreaded the actions of the “Smellie” & “Feelie” & the possible increase of armaments to
the trade.
Robert Pollard expressed unbounded enthusiasm for the Talkie & Colour films. The movies
were dead & orchestras being displaced by records of appropriate music attached to the films.
T C Elliot dealt with their effect on public life and morals which he feared was almost wholly
deleterious; he produced and commented unfavourably on some of the magazines
An interesting general discussion followed but whilst it was felt that many undesirable features
were associated with the Cinema the Club did not feel equal to the task of reforming it.'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Charles E. Stansfield Manuscript: Unknown
'Meeting held at 30 Northcourt Avenue Dec 19th 1930
Miss E. C. Stevens in the chair
Min 1 Minutes of last Meeting approved
7 After refreshments a Symposium was opened by Miss D. Brain who took the standpoint of a
Salvationist lass giving a moving description of that outlook & experience, E. B. Castle
following with a thoughtful setting out of the Position of the Scientist[.] C. E. Stansfield put
before us the viewpoint of a Revolutionary of the masses & R. H. Robson racily endeavoured[?] to convert us to the views of a Blue Blooded Aristocrat. There followed a keen & amusing
discussion which perhaps centred too much on the Aristocrat & his doings[...].'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Charles E. Stansfield Manuscript: Unknown
'Meeting held at 9 Denmark Road 14/4/31
F. E. Pollard in the chair
1. Minutes of last approved
5 The subject of Wordsworth was then taken[.]
Charles E. Stansfield gave us a sketch of his life which provoked some discussion. R H Robson
read from The Prelude both before and after supper.
H. R. Smith read “The Happy Warrior”.
Mrs Robson read “She was a Phantom of Delight”[.]
To Conclude F. E. Pollard gave a most interesting appreciation of Wordsworth’s work which
was followed by some discussion.'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Charles E. Stansfield Manuscript: Unknown
'Meeting held at Frensham, Northcourt Avenue 4th.XII.31. Howard R. Smith (Chair)
1. Minutes of last read and approved.
6. Charles Stansfield then gave us an interesting account of the Northern Coastline of
Cornwall. He had paid it many visits, and knew its character well, & this helped to make it
vivid hearing.
7. Victor Alexander read some extracts from S. Baring Gould's "Vicar of Morwenstow", a life of
the Rev. J. S. Hawkin.'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Charles E. Stansfield Manuscript: Unknown
'Meeting held at Oakdene, Northcourt Avenue 19.2.32
S. A. Reynolds in the Chair
1. On the minutes of last meeting read, R. H. Robson declared that he had not made love to his own
wife that was another "Joseph Surface".
4 Geo Burrow then gave a short sketch of Ibsen's life, his Father a merchant out of mixed Danish
Swedish blood & mother a German — his first play produced at Christiana in 1850, but was not
published. He was appointed Poet to theatre at Bergen, which meant being "General Utility" man, thus
gaining a general knowledge of the production of plays - for being refused a Poet's pension he left
Norway for Italy & afterwards moved to Munich. In 1891 he returned to Christiana.
5 A reading followed from "The League of Youth" a satire on politicians. the scene chosen being one in
which various attempts to get Bratsberg's support for one of his financial schemes & on being
rebuffed, threatens to [2 un-deciphered words] by disclosing his son's forgery of his name on a bill.
The cast were:—
Bratsberg F E Pollard
Monsen R H Robson
Ringdal G Burrow
Fjeldbo H. R Smith
Erik C. E. Stansfield
Salma [i.e. Selma] Mrs Robson
Thora Dorothy Brain
Lundestad A. Rawlings
Hejre E. B. Castle
7 Readings from Act I and Act IV of The Wild Duck were then given by:—
Werle F E Pollard
Gregers R H Robson
Hjalmar [Halmar] H R Smith
Gina Mrs Robson
Hedwig [Hedvig] Dorothy Brain
Riddell [sic] C. E. Stansfield
9 C E Stansfield added a note about Peer Gynt which was written in Italy during 1866/67 — a poem
written recklessly[?] describing his own youth — a genial philosophical pascal[.]
10. A general discussion followed'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Charles E. Stansfield Manuscript: Unknown
Meeting held at Reckitt House, Leighton Park: 22.6.32
Reginald H. Robson in the Chair.
1. Minutes of the last read. It was felt that Minute 6 needed some amplification, & Charles
Stansfield was asked to do this. His more than kind amplification is appended.
8. After adjournment for supper, the Goethe evening was begun by Mary E Robson. She sang
the song "Knowst thou the land". The music is by Beethoven. In this and her other songs Mary
Robson was kindly accompanied by Caroline Pollard.
9. A Reading from Goethe was next given by Mary S. W. Pollard.
10. Reginald H. Robson read a paper on the life of Goethe. If there were any who had thought
of Goethe exclusively as a poet, they must have been amazed at his vesitality. Philosopher,
poet, statesman, scientist, he seems to have been "everything by turns and nothing long",
except indeed a lover [...].
11. We had been much intrigued with Mrs Robson's description of the Sorrows of Werther,
especially when our friend warned us that those who came under the spell of this book usually
commited suicide after reading it. We felt accordingly grateful to Mrs. Robson who had read it
on our behalf, and flirted with death for our sakes, and not a little apprehensive when Janet
Rawlings read us an extract from it. All passed off well, however. [...]
12. George Burrow read a song from Goethe's Gefunden.
13. Mary Robson sang "My peace is o'er" from Faust.
14. A Reading from the same play was given by Elisabeth & Victor Alexander
15. Another song "Little wild rose, wild rose red." was sung by Mary Robson.
16. Finally Charles E. Stansfield gave us his paper on Goethe. He referred to the lack of the
political sense in the German people of those days, & showed Goethe as quite content to
acquiesce in the paternal government of his small state. He described the influence of
Herde[,] Klopstock, Lessing, Shakespeare, &, quaintly enough, of Goldsmith on Goethe.
In speaking of the poet's scientific interests he told us of his discovery of the intermaxillary
bone & of Goethe's ceaseless efforts to acquire truth.
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Charles E. Stansfield Manuscript: Unknown
Meeting held at Fairlight, Denmark Rd.: 21.iii.33
Francis E. Pollard in the Chair.
1. Minutes of last read & approved.
5. Eight anonymous essays were then read. In some of these the subject treated or the style
of the author made recognition comparatively easy, but others were provocative of much
ingenious speculation. A paper on English Justice proved to be the most discussed during the
interval. Rival tipsters gave in confidence the names of Mrs. Stansfield & Robert Pollard as the
author, one of them purporting to recognize - or coming perilously close to so doing - Mrs.
Stansfield’s opinion of her fellow magistrates, while the other detected just that ingenious
combination of Fascism and Bolshevism that Robert Pollard would enjoy putting up for the
Club’s mystification. Further conflicting theories attributed the authorship to Henry Marriage
Wallis or Howard Smith, & this last proved correct[....]
Another essay which stirred debate told of a medium, a photograph, a Twentieth Century
Officer & a suit of medieval armour. It was told with that precision of detail that marks either
the experienced writer of fiction or the worshipper of truth. And as if to darken counsel there
was an open allusion to Bordighera. Suspicious though we were, & in spite of every
appearance of our being right, we adhered to the view that the author must be H. M. Wallis.
Time & space do not allow adequate record of all the papers, but it must be mentioned that
three of the eight came from the Rawlings family: a thoughtful essay by Alfred Rawlings
needed a second reading if it were to be seriously discussed, some interesting reminiscences
by Helen Rawlings made very good hearing, & Moroccan memories by Janet helped to make a
most varied programme.
Other essays were "Safety First" by Charles E. Stansfield, and "The English - are they modest?
" by Edgar Castle, both of which added some humorous touches to the evening.
A list of essayists, & their readers, follows.
Mrs Castle read a paper by Alfred Rawlings
Janet Rawlings read a paper by Helen Rawlings
Charles Stansfield read a paper by Henry M. Wallis
Reginald Robson read a paper by Howard Smith
George Burrow read a paper by Reginald Robson
Alfred Rawlings read a paper by Edgar Castle
Howard Smith read a paper by Janet Rawlings
Mrs Pollard read a paper by Charles E. Stansfield.
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Mary Pollard Manuscript: Unknown
Meeting held at 70 Northcourt Avenue 28/4/1933
C. E. Stansfield in the chair
1 Minutes of last read and approved
2 For the Next Meeting's subject "The Jew in Literature" was chosen with Geo Burrow H. R. & E. B. Smith as
4 The evening's subject of Berkshire in Literature was then opened up by Charles E. Stansfield reading from
Tom Browns School days a description of the Vale of the White Horse[.] He carried us into a quietude of time
& space where a great lover of the Vale tells of the great open downs & the vale to the north of them.
Dorothy Brain told us something of Old Berkshire Ballads surprising us with their number & variety & read an
amusing Ballad about a lad who died of eating custard, & the Lay of the Hunted Pig.
C. E. Stansfield read an introduction to "Summer is a Cumen In"which was then played and sung on the
H. R. Smith read a description of "Reading a Hundred Years Ago" from "Some Worthies of Reading"
F. E. Pollard introduced Mary Russell Mitford to the Club giving a short account of her life and Work quoting
with approval a description of her as "A prose Crabbe in the Sun"
M. S. W. Pollard read "The Gypsy" from "Our Village"
Geo Burrows gave us a short Reading from Mathew Arnolds "Scholar Gypsy" and a longer one from
"Thyrsis"[.] During this the Stansfield "Mackie" put in a striking piece of synchronization.
E. B. Castle read an interesting account of the Bucklebury Bowl Turner from H. V. Mortons "In Search of
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Charles E. Stansfield Manuscript: Unknown
'Meeting held at School House, Leighton Park, 16.I.34.
Francis E. Pollard in the chair
1. The Chairman offered the Club’s greetings to our new members, though only one of them
was able to be present.
2. We much regretted the absence of George and Celia Burrow on account of the former’s
illness, and of Mary Pollard who had gone to see Caroline in Birmingham where she had had
the bad luck to come in for a motoring accident.
3. Minutes of last were then read and approved.
7. The subject for the evening then claimed our attention, & Charles Stansfield read us a paper
on Lewis Carroll’s life. It contained much material that was new to most of us, and was so &
absorbingly retailed that the Secretary completely omitted to take notes on it
8. This was followed by extracts from his letters read to us by Dorothy Brain. She chose them
all, I think, from letters to little girls thus wisely focussing our interest upon the author &
making him very real behind his nom de plume.
9. After the interval Dorothy Brain’s players—Frank Pollard, Janet Rawlings, Reginald Robson &
Victor Alexander performed an unrehearsed tea party. Whether the performance was comic,
gruesome or grotesque I would not venture to suggest. To one actor, unseeing and unseen
beneath his mask it was a little like a cross between a modernist nightmare & old-fasioned
blind man’s buff.
10. Readings were then given by
Ethel C. Stevens : from Alice through the Looking Glass
Howard R. Smith : [from] Sylvie and Bruno
Francis E. Pollard : [from] the Hunting of the Snark
C. E. Stansfield : [from] Hiawatha’s Photographing
11. It was decided to have a subscription of 6/- for the current year.'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Charles E. Stansfield Manuscript: Unknown
Meeting held at Oakdene, Northcourt Av, 20.3.34.
Sylvanus A. Reynolds in the Chair.
1. Minutes of last read and approved, in the teeth of one dissident.
5. We then proceeded to the anonymous essays and members felt on excellent terms with
themselves at the prospect of hearing some attractive reading and of eluding or inflicting a good
hoax or two.
The first essay opened discreetly without title on the theme of “Newcomers to Reading”, going
on to a description of the neighbourhood, its beauties its quaint place names and historical
associations. […]
6. Next came a paper on “Uniforms”. The writer was considered by one or two to show the
observation of the masculine mind and the style of the feminine. […]
7. Then came a letter to "My dear Twelve" written with the unmistakeable touch of the practised
writer. […]
8. We listened, too, with equal interest to a paper called “Canaries”, telling us something of the
progress and perambulations of our latest migrant members. Moreover two or three of our
number were able to follow their doings with particular appreciation, having mad much the same
trip themselves. […]
9. All of us were a good deal non plussed by “Hors d’Oeuvres”, an essay not inappropriately
named, for it contained a perplexing mixture of fare, and certainly stimulated our appetite. […]
10. Hardly less difficult was “Glastonbury”. Many of us had visited it, and so were able to follow
closely the author’s points. But few of us knew enough of its history and legend to be sure
whether or no our one professional historian had set his wits before us. So we gave up
reasoning and just guessed. […]
11. Finally we heard “Spoonbill”. It was a noteworthy paper, combining the love of the naturalist
for the birds he watches with the craft of the writer in the language he uses. […]
12. Here is the complete list. —
“Newcomers to Reading” by H. R. Smith, read by F. E. Pollard
“Uniforms” by Janet Rawlings, read by Elizabeth Alexander
“My dear Twelve” by H. M. Wallis, read by S. A. Reynolds
“Canaries” by C. E. Stansfield, read by Dorothy Brain
“Hors d’Oeuvres” by Dorothy Brain, read by R. H. Robson
“Glastonbury” by Mrs Goadby, read by H. R. Smith
“The Spoonbill” by W. Russell Brain, read by Mrs. Robson
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Dorothy Brain Manuscript: Unknown, Notebook
'9. Charles Stansfield then read his paper on Charles Lamb. He gave us a clear picture of Lamb
in his family relationships, beginning with a delightful study of Lamb’s father under the name
of Lovell of the Old Benchers, continuing with the tragedy of his mother’s death and the twenty
nine gallant years of Charles’s companionship with his sister, and concluding with a most
graceful tribute to her “as an incomparable old maid, the result of her upbringing in the
spacious closet of reading. And it gave us, too, an introduction to the man and the author, the
width of his reading as exemplified in his quotations and allusions, his whimsical humour, the
pathetic weakness that proved too strong for him, and yet with it the natural dignity of the
scholar and an innocent & delightful merriment in circumstances which might well have bred
coarseness and cynicism.
We may indeed say of these paragraphs of Charles Stansfield’s as he himself says of the
Essays that “they reveal Lamb and endear him to us.”
10. Dorothy Brain read an extract from “Recollections of Christ’s Hospital” showing Lamb’s
pride in his old school.
12. Mary Pollard read from “Dream Children”, an essay that made some of us wonder whether
it is reflected in Barrie’s “Dear Brutus”
13. Edith Goadby read from “Two Races of Men”, another theme which will not readily be
14. Victor Alexander then read from “My Relations[”]
15. Howard Smith read from Odds and Ends with much enjoyable good humour'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Charles E. Stansfield Manuscript: Unknown
'Meeting held at 30 Northcourt Avenue
19. II. 1935
Ethel Stevens in the Chair.
1. Minutes of last read (by F. E. Pollard in the regretted absence of the Secretary), heard with
wonder and admiration, & approved.
4. Edgar B. Castle, passing over the the Garden of Eden owing to a dislike of snakes, the Roman
Empire from an unwillingness to feed the lions, & other intervening ages by reason of other
prejudices, took us to Reading in 2000 A.D. Our eyes opened & our mouths watered as we heard
of the beautiful, free, sober & happy borough to be, its advent due to the efforts of Mr Lloyd
George & the Old Boys of Leighton Park. [...]'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Charles E. Stansfield Manuscript: Unknown
Meeting held at School House, L.P. :- 28. v. 37.
C. E. Stanfield in the Chair.
1. Minutes of last read & approved
4. Charles Stansfield then read a biographical sketch of Shelley, followed by an estimate of
Shelley’s views and character.
5. Readings were then given by the following
Hymn to Intellectual Beauty by Mary Pollard
Prometheus Unbound by Reginald Robson
Ode to the West Wind by Elizabeth Alexander
Adonaďs by Victor Alexander.
These were all discussed; and a further short reading, from William Watson’s poetry, was given
by Alfred Rawlings.
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Charles E. Stansfield Manuscript: Unknown
Meeting held at St. Margaret’s, Shinfield Road: 20. 1. 38.
F. E. Pollard in the chair
1. Minutes of last read and approved
6. C. E. Stansfield opened the proceedings on Ć [A-E ligature, the name adopted by George
William Russell] by a detailed biographical sketch of some length, in the course of which we
gained some idea of the contradictions and complexities of A. E.’s character. [...] An interesting
personal touch was added to the sketch by F. E. Pollard who had been present at one of Ć’s
“salon” receptions.
7. Extracts from A. E’s prose were then read by Mary S. W. Pollard on “Gandhi,” and by F. E.
Pollard on “The one dimensional mind”.
8. Finally F. E. Pollard and V. W. Alexander read three of A.E.’s poems.
9. By this time most of us were more than ready for a little lighter matter, and we thoroughly
appreciated some delightful touches from The Tinker’s Wedding by Synge which Rosamund
Wallis gave with evident relish.
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Charles E. Stansfield Manuscript: Unknown
'Meeting held at “Frensham” 8th July 1944
Howard R. Smith in the chair.
1. Minutes of last meeting were read and signed.
2. The Secretary reported that she had been advised earlier in the week that Charles Stansfield would be celebrating
the 79th anniversary of his birthday on the day of this meeting. A few members had conferred together and agreed
that it would certainly be the wish of the Club to send greetings to Charles Stansfield on this occasion and this had
accordingly been done. A reply had been received just before the meeting and both letters were read. It was agreed
that they should be entered in the minutes.
Century: Reader/Listener/Group: Margaret Dilks Manuscript: Letter