Went into the park...Back to our dinner at 2. Spent the afternoon walking and sitting, and I read 3 Acts of 'The Conscious Lovers'.
Century: 1700-1799 Reader/Listener/Group: Gertrude Savile Print: Book
'[Mary Smith] found emancipation in Shakespeare, Dryden, Goldsmith and other standard male authors, whom she extolled for their universality: "These authors wrote from their hearts for humanity, and I could follow them fully and with delight, though but a child. They awakened my young nature, and I found for the first time that my pondering heart was akin to that of the whole human race. And when I read the famous essays of Steele and Addison, I could realize much of their truth and beauty of expression... Pope's stanzas, which I read at school as an eight year old child, showed me how far I felt and shared the sentiment that he wrote, when he says,
Thus let me live unseen, unknown
Thus unlamented let me die;
Steal from the world and not a stone
Tell where I lie".'
Century: 1800-1849 Reader/Listener/Group: Mary Smith Print: Book
'[William Robertson] Nicoll's boyhood reading included Scott, Disraeli, the Brontes, Bulwer Lytton, Shelley, Johnson, Addison, Steele, Goldsmith, Emerson, Lowell, Longfellow ...' [Nicoll's father a Scottish clergyman who amassed library of 17,000 volumes.]
Century: 1850-1899 Reader/Listener/Group: William Robertson Nicoll Print: Book
'The essays of Steele and Addison, whose prose has so greatly influenced his own, seem to have impressed but, at this time, not moved him. Likewise, Pope, whose translation of the Odyssey found the young reader "by no means skilled enough to perceive the perfection of much of the verse" - "But I found the story worth the trouble", Masefield adds'.
Century: 1850-1899 Reader/Listener/Group: John Masefield Print: Book
'Mary Martin came to live with me at 30s per year. Read "The Conscious Lovers" in the even.'
Century: 1700-1799 Reader/Listener/Group: Thomas Turner Print: Book
'Read Sir Richard Steele's Dedication of his Account of the state of the Roman Catholic Religion to the Pope'.
Century: 1700-1799 Reader/Listener/Group: Dudley Ryder Print: Book
Sir John Hammerton looking back on his early days in Glasgow when he left school and became a correspondence clerk, he said of Cassell's Library "What anAladdin's cave it proved to me! Addison, Goldsmith, Bacon, Steele, DeQuincey ..., Charles Lamb. Macaulay and many scores of others whom old Professor Morley introduced to me -- what a joy of life I obtained from these, and how greatly they made lifeworth living!"
Century: 1850-1899 / 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Sir John Hammerton Print: Book
'Looked over the first Vol. of the "Tatlers"...'
Century: 1700-1799 Reader/Listener/Group: Thomas Green Print: Book
'It was on the 18: day of July 1773 that we were sitting in the blue Room at Streatham and were talking of Writers - Steele's Essays were mentioned - but they are too thin said Mr Johnson; being mere Observations on Life and Manners without a sufficiency of solid Learning acquired from Books, they have the flavour, like the light French wines you so often hear commended; but having no Body, they cannot keep. Speaking of Mason Gray &c. he said The Poems they write must I should suppose greatly delight the Authors; they seem to have attained that which themselves consider as the Summit of Excellence, and Man can do no more: yet surely such unmeaning & verbose Language if in the Morning it appears to be in bloom, must fade before Sunset like Cloe's Wreath.'
Century: 1700-1799 Reader/Listener/Group: Samuel Johnson Print: Book, Serial / periodical