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'Meeting held at Gower Cottage, Elm Road. 18–7–40 M Stevens in the chair. 1. Minutes of last were read and signed. [...] 3. The Treasurer (V. W. Alexander) gave a statement of accounts up to the end of 1939, which showed the astonishingly large balance of £4/10/2. The statement was accepted. 4. The Secretary (also V. W. Alexander) reported having received a letter of resignation from Howard and Elsie Sikes who are no longer able to attend our meetings. We are sorry to lose them. 5. Mary S. W. Pollard read a letter of resignation from Victor W. and Elizabeth Alexander, who are leaving Reading. A telegram had been received from Elizabeth Alexander during the day, wishing the Club “goodbye & good luck, with thanks for many merry meetings.” Howard Smith expressed our gratitude for the very valuable services of V. W. Alexander & his wife as Secretary and Treasurer, & afterwards drafted a letter of thanks & good wishes to Elizabeth Alexander, which was signed by all present. 6. As his last duty for us, V. W. Alexander wrote a letter of affectionate greeting to Charles Stansfield who has been ill for many weeks. This was signed by all. 7. M. Stevens was asked to write minutes for this time. [signed as a true record by] A. B. Dilks 20 Aug 40.'