Henry James to Thomas Sergeant Perry, from Cambridge, Mass., 20 September 1867: "I had just been reading, when your letter came, Taine's Graindorge, of which you speak ... I enjoy Taine more almost than I do any one; but his philosophy of things strikes me as essentially superficial and as if subsisting in the most undignified subservience to his passion for description ... I have also read the last new Mondays of Ste.B, and always with increasing pleasure."
Century: 1850-1899 Reader/Listener/Group: Henry James Print: Book
'Gissing read as widely as ever, with the same unbridled curiosity as during his youth but now with an intelligence tempered by experience. Of course he continued to read the Latin, Greek, English and French classics, but of the particular titles he noted in his diary during the second part of 1889 there are a number that indicate fairly and squarely the direction in which his thoughts were carrying him. Besides books like J.P. Jacobsen's "Niels Lyhne" and Frederick [sic]Bremer's "Hertha", he also read Taine's "English Literature", Bourget's "Etudes et Portraits" as well as the "Essais Psychologiques", A.H. Buck's "Treatise on Hygiene", W. B. Carpenter's "Principles of Mental Physiology" and the books he just mentions as Ribot's "Hereditie".'
Century: 1850-1899 Reader/Listener/Group: George Gissing Print: Book
'Meeting held at Oakdene, 27. III. 1939
S. A. Reynolds in the chair.
2. Minutes of last read + approved.
3. A. B. Dilks read from Sir James Jeans’ ‘Universe around Us’. Man’s
insignificance was not even tempered by the possibility of life on Mars.
4. Muriel Stevens brought us to more homely surroundings with passages from
Eleanor Acland’s ‘Goodbye for the Present.’
5. Hilaire Belloc’s descriptive power was illustrated by R. H. Robson’s reading from
‘The Eyewitness’, telling of Napoleon’s pursuit of of Sir John Moore + a snow storm
in the Sierras.
6. Ethel C. Stevens’s extract from Agnes Hunt’s Reminiscences dealt with
experiences in the Tasmanian Bush.
7. R. D. L Moore read from T Jefferson Hogg – from a book published in 1833 – an
account of Shelley at Oxford.
8. Dorothea Taylor gave us Taine’s impressions of England written in 1871.
[signed] R. H. Robson
19. 5. 39'
Century: 1900-1945 Reader/Listener/Group: Dorothea Taylor Print: Book