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'Sunday August 13th. Read the Life of Castruccio by Nicalao Tegrimi [sic].'
[Mary Shelley's reading list for 1820, with texts also read by Percy Shelley marked with an x. Only texts not mentioned in the journal are given separate entries based on this list] 'M. (& (S with an x) - 1820 The remainder of Livy. x The Bible until the end of Ezekhiel x Don Juan x Travels Before the Flood La Nouvelle Heloise The Fable of the Bees Paine's Works Utopia x Voltaire's Memoires x The Aenied [sic] And Georgics Bridone's Travels Robinson Crusoe Sandford & Merton x Astronomy in the Encyclopaedia Vindication of the Rights of women x Boswell's life of Johnson Paradise regained & lost Mary - Letters from Norway & Posthumus [sic] Works Ivanhoe - Tales of my Landlord Fleetwood - Caleb Williams x Ricciardetto. x Mrs Macauly's [sic] Hist. of Engd x Lucretius The 3 first orations of Cicero Muratori Anti chita [sic] d'Italia Travels & Rebellion in Ireland Tegrino's life of Castruccio x Boccacio [sic] - Decamerone x Keats' poems x armata Corinne The first book of Homer. Oedippus [sic] Tyrannus A Little Spanish & much Italian.'
'Read - Tegrino'