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'I have cast up my reading account, and brought it to the end of the year 1835. [?] During the last thirteen months I have read Aeschylus twice; Sophocles twice; Euripides once; Pindar twice; Callimachus; Apollonius Rhodius; Quintus Calaber; Theocritus twice; Herodotus; Thucydides; almost all Xenophon?s works; almost all Plato; Aristotle?s Politics, and a good deal of his Organon, besides dipping elsewhere in him; the whole of Plutarch?s Lives; about half of Lucian; two or three books of Athenaeus; Plautus twice; Terence twice; Lucretius twice; Catullus; Tibullus; Propertius; Lucan; Statius; Silius Italicus; Livy; Velleius Paterculus; Sallust; Caesar; and, lastly, Cicero. I have, indeed, still a little of Cicero left; but I shall finish him in a few days. I am now deep in Aristophanes and Lucian.'
'Finish Annals of Tacitus - begin Terence - read Guy Mannering'
'finish the Andria of Terence & Guy Mannering'
'Finish the Eunuchus of Terence - walk - S reads Gibbon'
'Finish the Heautontimorumenos of Terence'
'Read Montaigne and Terence'
'Read Aristodemo with S. Walk out in the evening on the mole. Read the Adelphi of Terence'
'Finish the Adelphi of Terence - read Aristodemo'
'Read 1st Canto of Ariosto & 1st act of Phormio'
'S. reads the Philoctetes of Sophocles - Read 2nd and 3rd act of Phormio & Mille et une nuits'
'Read the Hecyra of Terence - dine at the Hoppners - read an Italian translation of Apuleius's story of Cupid and Psyche'
'Finish Terence'