Record Number: 11598
Reading Experience:
'Reading the "Les filles des platre" by M. Xavier de Montepin it is like the generality of French Novels, and does not give a very exalted notions of French morals; the more I read French books, the more I am struck at the immense difference there is between the two nations that are only seperated [sic] by a narrow channel, twenty miles across; Customs manners & morals are entirely different; there is no nation in the world so much in love with domestic happiness & domestic comfort as the English, and none less so, than the French; that which affords great pleasure to our neighbours, excites only disgust in an Englishman; this I gather not only from the Books I read, but also from what I saw myself during my stay in France, and the older I get, the more thankful I am that I was not born a Frenchman.'
Date:31 Jan 1859
Place:city: Jeddah
other location: on board HMS Pelorus
silent aloud unknown
solitary in company unknown
single serial unknown
solitary in company unknown
single serial unknown
Reader / Listener / Reading Group:
Reader: Age:Adult (18-100+)
Date of Birth:14 Apr 1831
Socio-Economic Group:Gentry
Occupation:Lieutenant Royal Navy
Country of Origin:England
Country of Experience:n/a
Listeners present if any:e.g family, servants, friends
Additional Comments:
Text Being Read:
Author:Xavier Aymon de, Count Montepin
Title:Les Filles de platre. Les trois debuts
Form of Text:Print: Book
Publication Details1855
Source Information:
Record ID:11598
Author:Albert H.W. Battiscombe
Title:Journal of H.M.S Pelorus 21, August 1st 1857 to March 11th 1859
Location:Royal Naval Museum
Call No:1976/110(1)
Page/Folio:p. 138
Additional Information:
Albert H.W. Battiscombe, Journal of H.M.S Pelorus 21, August 1st 1857 to March 11th 1859, Royal Naval Museum, 1976/110(1), p. 138,, accessed: 17 February 2025
Additional Comments: