Record Number: 22110
Reading Experience:
'[from the 1780 Johnsoniana passed to boswell by Bennet Langton] Theocritus is not deserving of very high respect as a writer; as to the pastoral part, Virgil is very evidently superiour. He wrote when there had been a larger influx of knowledge into the world than when Theocritus lived. Theocritus does not abound in description, though living in a beautiful country: the manners painted are coarse and gross. Virgil has much more description, more sentiment, more of Nature, and more of art. Some of the most excellent parts of Theocritus are, where Castor and Pollux, going with the other Argonauts, land on the Bebrycian coast, and there fall into a dispute with Amycus, the King of that country; which is as well conducted as Euripides could have done it; and the battle is well related. Afterwards they carry off a woman, whose two brothers come to recover her, and expostulate with Castor and Pollux on their injustice; but they pay no regard to the brothers, and a battle ensues, where Castor and his brother are triumphant. Theocritus seems not to have seen that the brothers have the advantage in their argument over his Argonaut heroes. "The Sicilian Gossips" is a piece of merit.'
Until: 31 Dec 1780
Type of Experience(Reader):
silent aloud unknown
solitary in company unknown
single serial unknown
solitary in company unknown
single serial unknown
Reader / Listener / Reading Group:
Reader: Age:Adult (18-100+)
Date of Birth:18 Sep 1709
Socio-Economic Group:Professional / academic / merchant / farmer
Country of Origin:England
Country of Experience:n/a
Listeners present if any:e.g family, servants, friends
Additional Comments:
Text Being Read:
Author: Title:n/a
Genre:Classics, Poetry
Form of Text:Print: Book
Publication Detailsn/a
Source Information:
Record ID:22110
Source:James Boswell
Editor:R.W. Chapman
Title:Life of Johnson
Place of Publication:Oxford
Date of Publication:1980
Additional Comments:
James Boswell, R.W. Chapman (ed.), Life of Johnson, (Oxford, 1980), p. 1066-7,, accessed: 06 October 2024
Additional Comments:
Originally published 1791.