Record Number: 24960
Reading Experience:
Witness statement in trial for theft: John Peto: 'On Sunday night, the 26th of August, Bostock came to my house, about eight o'clock ... that was just about nine o'clock, when the policemen were relieving their men—after that we sat, and Stubbs read the newspaper out loud—I do not know what paper—it was about the trail of the man for using the cow ill—he read that aloud—my wife heard that—I do not know what the conversation was about the cow—we only talked about what a shocking thing it was—we were joking one another—my wife was in the room all the time—all eight of us ... I am not capable of reading—I do not know the name of the newspaper—I borrowed it from the public-house the time I sent for the porter'
Date:26 Aug 1838
Place:city: London
specific address: 1 Coleman Place, Banner Street, St Lake's
location in dwelling
silent aloud unknown
solitary in company unknown
single serial unknown
solitary reactive unknown
single serial unknown
Reader / Listener / Reading Group:
Reader: Age:Adult (18-100+)
Date of Birth:n/a
Socio-Economic Group:Labourer (non-agricultural)
Country of Origin:n/a
Country of Experience:England
Listeners present if any:e.g family, servants, friends
John Peto, Elizabeth Peto, their children, Thomas Bostock (family)
Additional Comments:
Text Being Read:
Author: Title:[newspaper]
Form of Text:Print: Newspaper
Publication Detailsn/a
Provenanceborrowed (other)
from the public house
Source Information:
Record ID:24960
Source - Manuscript:Other
Old Bailey Proceedings Online (, 27 April 2009), 17 Sept 1838, Trial of William Mullins, Thomas Bostock, William Stubbs (t18380917-2182)
Additional Information:
Old Bailey Proceedings Online (, 27 April 2009), 17 Sept 1838, Trial of William Mullins, Thomas Bostock, William Stubbs (t18380917-2182),, accessed: 20 January 2025
Additional Comments:
Wife of witness, Elizabeth Peto, stated that she was in the habit of reading the newspaper on a Sunday evening