Record Number: 25224
Reading Experience:
Robert Southey to Joseph Cottle, 14 December 1797: 'Your parcel & its contents arrived safe. I found it on my return from a library belonging to the dissenters — in Redcross Street; from which, by permission of Dr Towers one of the Trustees, I brought back books of great importance for my Maid of Orleans. a hackney coach horse turned into a field of grass falls not more eagerly to a breakfast which lasts the whole day, than I attacked the old folios so respectably covered with dust. I begin to like dirty rotten binding, & whenever I get among books pass by the gilt coxcombs & yet disturb the spiders. — But you shall hear what I have got. a Latin poem in four long books upon Joan of Arc. very bad — but it gives me a quaint note or two — & Valerandus Valerius is a fine name for a quotation. a small quarto of the Life of the Maid, chiefly extracts from forgotten authors, printed at Paris. 1612. with a print of her on horseback, & another on foot in the same dress & attitude as the one I have. A sketch of her life, by Jacobus Philippus Bergomensis — bless the length of his erudite name! — this is short but the most valuable of all, inasmuch as I have his authority for her prediction of her
Date:14 Dec 1797
Type of Experience(Reader):
silent aloud unknown
solitary in company unknown
single serial unknown
solitary in company unknown
single serial unknown
Reader / Listener / Reading Group:
Reader: Age:Adult (18-100+)
Date of Birth:12 Aug 1774
Socio-Economic Group:Professional / academic / merchant / farmer
Occupation:writer and lawyer
Country of Origin:England
Country of Experience:England
Listeners present if any:e.g family, servants, friends
Additional Comments:
Text Being Read:
Author: Title:Histoire Memorable de la Vie de Jeanne d’Arc, Appelée la Pucelle d’Orleans
Form of Text:Print: Book
Publication Detailsn/a
Provenanceborrowed (institution library)
from Dr Williams Library, London
Source Information:
Record ID:25224
Source - Manuscript:Other
"The Collected Letters of Robert Southey," Romantic Circles Electronic Edition, Letter 278. Accessed 29 April 2009.
Additional Information:
"The Collected Letters of Robert Southey," Romantic Circles Electronic Edition, Letter 278. Accessed 29 April 2009. ,, accessed: 17 February 2025
Additional Comments: