Record Number: 30769
Reading Experience:
'I have finally decided to come north tomorrow at 2.15. I don't like not to be there — I can read Strzygowski all the way in the train, pace you! I shall come back here on Sat. by the late train.'
Date:Between 1 Feb 1896 and 6 May 1896
Place:other location: train between London and Middlesborough
Type of Experience(Reader):
silent aloud unknown
solitary in company unknown
single serial unknown
solitary in company unknown
single serial unknown
Reader / Listener / Reading Group:
Reader: Age:Adult (18-100+)
Date of Birth:16 Jul 1868
Socio-Economic Group:Gentry
Occupation:Oxford graduate, language student, yet to take up formal occupations as archaeologist and later, political advisor
Religion:Christian (Anglican) later declared herself atheist
Country of Origin:England
Country of Experience:England
Listeners present if any:e.g family, servants, friends
Additional Comments:
Text Being Read:
Author: Title:unknown
Genre:Arts / architecture
Form of Text:Print: Book
Publication Detailsread in the original German
Source Information:
Record ID:30769
Source - Manuscript:Other
On-line archive of Gertrude Bell's letters and diaries (transcribed)
Additional Information:
Letter from Gertrude Bell to Florence Bell, February 1896,London
On-line archive of Gertrude Bell's letters and diaries (transcribed) ,, accessed: 24 January 2025
Additional Comments:
By 1896 Strzygowski had published, either alone or with Philipp Forchheimer, at least four books in German on art history, including "Die acht Handzeichnungen des Sandro Botticelli zu Dantes Göttlicher Komödie im Vatikan: ein Supplement zu dem Codex im Kgl. Kupferstichkabinet zu Berlin" (1887); "Die Calenderbilder des Chronographen vom Jahre 354" (1888); "Cimabue und Rom : Funde und Forschungen zur Kuntstgeschichte und zur Topographie der Stadt Rom" (1888) "Die Byzantinisch en Wasserbehälter von Konstantinopel "(1893) ;"Topographie von Konstantinopel von Philipp Forchheimer und Josef Strzygowski, mit Unterstützung des K. K. Ministeriums für Cultus und Unterricht (1893). It is unclear which of these Gertrude Bell was reading.