Record Number: 5500
Reading Experience:
'On my return to Scarborough was busily employed in preparing for the season, & in editing the work called The Scarborough Album, and in soliciting contributions of a poetical description; these were of a good class, & abundantly bestowed. Archdeacon Wrangham wrote an original piece for the work 'Lines on the sea bathing infirmary at Scarborough'. The Mss of George Berret, the Younger, were freely offered to my use; & Hermione (Mrs Ballantyre, widow of the celebrated Publisher in Edinburgh) kindly controbuted. I also reprinted the celebrated pieces under the signature of Malvina, from The Scarborough Repository.'
Date:Between Apr 1825 and Aug 1825
Type of Experience(Reader):
silent aloud unknown
solitary in company unknown
single serial unknown
solitary in company unknown
single serial unknown
Reader / Listener / Reading Group:
Reader: Age:Adult (18-100+)
Date of Birth:3 Oct 1792
Socio-Economic Group:Clerk / tradesman / artisan / smallholder
Occupation:Publisher / bookseller
Religion:Church of England
Country of Origin:England
Country of Experience:England
Listeners present if any:e.g family, servants, friends
Additional Comments:
Text Being Read:
Author: Title:n/a
Form of Text:Manuscript: Unknown
Publication Detailsn/a
Source Information:
Record ID:5500
Author:John Cole
Title:An account of the life of John Cole of Scarborough
Location:York Minster
Call No:Add Mss 153/4
Additional Information:
Letter written between April and August 1825.
John Cole, An account of the life of John Cole of Scarborough, York Minster, Add Mss 153/4, 500-501,, accessed: 14 October 2024
Additional Comments:
"John Cole kept diaries throughout his life - and then used the diaries to produce a manuscript 'An Account of the life of John Cole of Scarborough' (started in 1829 - 18 volumes). Much of the substance of the MS is based on his diaries (and appears for much of the MS to be copied direct from his diaries). The original diaries are apparently no longer extant."