Law in Motion: 50 Years of Legal Change

This book is a celebration of 50 Years of The Open University written by members of The Open University Law School. We are pleased to offer it open access and free to download as a complete book or individual chapters.

Dedicated to Gary Slapper

Part I: Opening thoughts

Chapter 1 Open and Shut Cases – Simon Lee

Part II: Thoughts on the four nations and beyond

Chapter 2 Devolution, debate and change: Changing the UK’s constitutional settlements – Carol Howells and Edwin Parks

Chapter 3 50 Years of Arguing with the Neighbours – Anne Wesemann

Chapter 4 From the Greek case to the present: 50 years of Article 3 of the European
Convention on Human Rights – Neil Graffin

Chapter 5 The Triumph of International Law – Marjan Ajevski

Part III:  How we see the law

Chapter 6 Desire Lines – Robert Herian

Chapter 7 Ownership rhetoric and the question of belonging – Matt Howard

Chapter 8 How much do you need to know? – Lisa Claydon

Chapter 9 Consenting to Sexual Activity – Caroline Derry

Part IV: Beyond the Courtroom

Chapter 10 The Jurisprudence of Mediation – Julian Sidoli

Chapter 11 Gender identity and prisons in England and Wales:
The development of rights and rules; checks and balances – Keren Lloyd Bright

Chapter 13 Lockdown, Law & the Whirligig of Jurisprudence: The Return of a Realist –
David Dennis and Simon Lee

Part V: Concluding thoughts

Chapter 14 50 years of Clinical Legal Education: Looking Back to the Future – Liz Hardie, Hugh McFaul and Francine Ryan

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