Seventh International Conference on Animal-Computer Interaction
10-12 November 2020, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom
In co-operation with ACM (Association for Computing Machinery)
and SIGCHI (Special interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction)
ACI is the main International Conference on Animal-Computer Interaction. It is a highly multidisciplinary event drawing researchers and practitioners from the most diverse back grounds to share and discuss work and topics related to the research and design of interactive technology for and with animals. We are keen to be as inclusive as possible and wish to welcome a wide range of contributions and participants to the conference, in order to promote a constructive dialogue around the animal-centred research and design of computing-enabled systems, and to foster the development of ACI as a discipline.
This year’s conferene theme is Embodied Dialogues. On the one hand, the theme implicitly refers to the challenges and opportunities that arise when designing and developing interactive technology for and with users and participants who do not communicate through what we term ‘natural language’, which makes supporting embodied exchanges all the more important. On the other hand, the theme alludes to the possibilities open by technologies such as the Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence, thanks to which computing applications are increasingly embedded into the infrastructures and objects of the physical environment in which multispecies agents operate and interact. Although specifically focussed, the theme is very broad in the connections that can be made from multiple angles, in order to encourage engagement with and contributions to the conference from a wide range of multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary perspectives. Submissions that relate to this year’s conference theme are especially welcome, but high quality submissions are welcome regardless.
The ACI2020 Conference Proceedings will be published in the ACM Digital Library. The Volume will include peer-reviewed and accepted full and short papers, videoposter and demo extended abstracts, workshop extended abstracts and doctoral consortium submissions.
This year the conference is hosted by The Open University (This link will take you to an external web site. We are not responsible for their content.), whose main campus is located in Milton Keynes, in the United Kingdom.
Full and short papers (submission deadline 31 May 2020)
Workshop proposals (submission deadline 31 May 2020)
Videoposters and demos (submission deadline 14 August 2020)
Doctoral consortium tracks (submission deadline 21 August 2020)