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the experience of reading in Britain, from 1450 to 1945...

Reading Experience Database UK Historical image of readers

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30503 records found. (displaying 20 per page)


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 √ Century of ExperienceEvidenceName of Reader / Listener / Reading GroupAuthor of TextTitle of TextForm of Text
1900-1945Mr D. was in Brummana — an intelligent young schoolmaster to whom teaching came easy; and he introduced me to Rudolph Steiner's books. I worked through them conscie...Freya Stark Rudolph Steiner[unknown]Print: Book
1900-1945I am grateful for the leisure of my years, whether voluntary or enforced — for long stretches of sickness or of holiday, and also for small snippets like those prod...Freya Stark [Anon] [Anon][unknown]Unknown
1900-1945I am grateful for the leisure of my years, whether voluntary or enforced — for long stretches of sickness or of holiday, and also for small snippets like those prod...Flora Stark [Anon] [Anon][unknown]Unknown
1900-1945I am grateful for the leisure of my years, whether voluntary or enforced — for long stretches of sickness or of holiday, and also for small snippets like those prod...Herbert Young [Anon] [Anon][unknown]Unknown
1900-1945Except Shakespeare, who grew from childhood as part of myself, nearly every classic has come with this same shock of almost intolerable enthusiasm: Virgil, Sophocle...Freya Stark Sophocles[unknown]Print: Unknown
1900-1945Except Shakespeare, who grew from childhood as part of myself, nearly every classic has come with this same shock of almost intolerable enthusiasm: Virgil, Sophocle...Freya Stark Aeschylus[unknown]Print: Unknown
1900-1945Except Shakespeare, who grew from childhood as part of myself, nearly every classic has come with this same shock of almost intolerable enthusiasm: Virgil, Sophocle...Freya Stark Dante Alighieri[unknown]Print: Unknown
1900-1945Except Shakespeare, who grew from childhood as part of myself, nearly every classic has come with this same shock of almost intolerable enthusiasm: Virgil, Sophocle...Freya Stark Geoffrey Chaucer[unknown]Print: Unknown
1900-1945Except Shakespeare, who grew from childhood as part of myself, nearly every classic has come with this same shock of almost intolerable enthusiasm: Virgil, Sophocle...Freya Stark John Milton[unknown]Print: Unknown
1900-1945Except Shakespeare, who grew from childhood as part of myself, nearly every classic has come with this same shock of almost intolerable enthusiasm: Virgil, Sophocle...Freya Stark Johann Wolfgang von Goethe[unknown]Print: Unknown
1900-1945Except Shakespeare, who grew from childhood as part of myself, nearly every classic has come with this same shock of almost intolerable enthusiasm: Virgil, Sophocle...Freya Stark Giacomo Leopardi[unknown]Print: Unknown
1900-1945Except Shakespeare, who grew from childhood as part of myself, nearly every classic has come with this same shock of almost intolerable enthusiasm: Virgil, Sophocle...Freya Stark Jean Racine[unknown]Print: Unknown
1900-1945Except Shakespeare, who grew from childhood as part of myself, nearly every classic has come with this same shock of almost intolerable enthusiasm: Virgil, Sophocle...Freya Stark Plato[unknown]Print: Unknown
1900-1945Except Shakespeare, who grew from childhood as part of myself, nearly every classic has come with this same shock of almost intolerable enthusiasm: Virgil, Sophocle...Freya Stark Blaise Pascal[unknown]Print: Unknown
1900-1945Except Shakespeare, who grew from childhood as part of myself, nearly every classic has come with this same shock of almost intolerable enthusiasm: Virgil, Sophocle...Freya Stark Saint Augustine of Hippo[unknown]Print: Unknown
1900-1945One can say of the more reticent British that, as you come to know them, some are discovered and some are found out. My father was of those who are discovered. 'The...Robert Stark George Borrow[unknown]Print: Book
1900-1945One can say of the more reticent British that, as you come to know them, some are discovered and some are found out. My father was of those who are discovered. 'The...Robert Stark Charles Darwin[unknown]Print: Book
1900-1945In London too the usual life with Viva Jeyes in Grove End Road was mixed with mornings in the British Museum, reading 'Brunow and Dussaud' on Roman roads in Moab an...Freya Stark Rene Dussaud[unknown]Print: Book
1900-1945'I have now had your manuscript for some days and have read it with a great deal of interest.' Thence follows a page and a half of constructive and gentle criticism to ...Ford Madox Ford [unknown] Mack[unknown]Manuscript: Unknown
1850-1899'David Watson, M.A. of St. Andrews University, used to spend every spare moment of his day and whole Sundays on end with this writer [Ford] standing beside him at his p...Ford Madox Ford Albius Tibullus[unknown]Print: Book

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