
Sixth International Conference on Animal-Computer Interaction
12-14 November 2019, Haifa, Israel

ACI2019 conference logo, olive green and dark sky blueACI is the main International Conference on Animal-Computer Interaction. It is a highly multidisciplinary event drawing researchers and practitioners from the most diverse back grounds to share and discuss work and topics related to the research and design of interactive technology for and withanimals. We are keen to be as in clusive as possible and wish to welcome a wide range of contributions and participants to the conference, in order to promote a constructive dialogue around the animal-centred research and design of computing-enabled systems, and to foster the development of ACI as a discipline.

This year’s conference theme is Common Denominator, which implicitly refers to multidisciplinary or interdisciplinary methods, theories, designs, ethics or practices that could translate between or transfer across species to aid multispecies or interspecies communication, participation, interaction and cooperation with or through computing systems, during the design process or following deployment. Although specifically focussed, the theme is very broad in the connections that can be made from multiple angles, in order to encourage engagement with and contributions to the conference from a wide range of multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary perspectives.

This year the conference is hosted by the University of Haifa and takes place in one of Israel’s most beautiful and vibrant coastal cities.

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