Painpad Privacy Policy

We do not collect any personally identifying information. We store a unique number that identifies your device called a UDID. We store another unique number that identifies your hospital visit along with the pain number from 0 to 10 that you enter and the date and time of this entry and we send this information to the hospital so that they can add it to your patient record. We cannot identify you from this unique number, only specially authorised clinical staff at the hospital can do this. If you attend the hospital on another occasion you will get a different unique number. Your pain records will be kept on our system for up to 1 year for audit purposes and then deleted. If you would like them deleted sooner, please contact the hospital IT department. After they authenticate you they will pass on your instructions to us along with all of your unique numbers.


Policy for Clinicans Using ScanPainPad App

If you are a clinician using the ScanPainPad app then we will have been given your name and email address and we will have assigned you a username and password, all of which we store. We also store a record everytime you are logged in with your userid to assign a PainPad to a patient including your userid, the UDID, FIN, the ward, and the date and time you assigned the painpad. If you would like your name and e-mail address deleted from our records please email with your details.