
Our work spans a wide variety of health and wellbeing issues. Here we outline some of our most recent projects and activities.

Funded by UKRI, the Social and Emotional Resilience for the Vulnerable Impacted by the COVID-19 Emergency project (SERVICE) is a response to the increase in loneliness due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Bringing together a multidisciplinary team from the Open University DHL, the University of Exeter, Nottingham Trent University, Age UK, MKUH and Mid-Notts CCG, the project is designing and implementing a digital platform for supporting the emotional wellbeing of older people impacted by the Covid-19 social distancing rules.You can find out more on the SERVICE website.
PI: Prof Blaine Price

Dr Daniel Gooch
Dr Amel Bennaceur
Dr Mark Hall
Dr Dmitri Katz
Dr Mohamed Bennasar

Dr Avelie Stuart (University of Exeter)

Prof Clifford Stevenson (Nottingham Trent Univ)

Painpad is a tangible hand held device for patient self-logging of pain. It has been used by inpatients at Milton Keynes University Hospital since 2017 to help undestand the effects of pain on recovery after joint replacement surgery. It is also used in the maternity ward to understand pain management after a caesarean section.You can read a paper comparing patient pain scores using different tangible devices and nurse recorded scores
Prof Blaine Price
Prof Oliver Pearce
Ciaran McCormick
Vikram Mehta
Dr Daniel Gooch
Dr Dmitri Katz
Prof Linda Price
Dr Ryan Kelly

MoJo: Motion of Joint Measurement Using IMUs

This work is inspired by work on musical entrainment and haptic cuing to help patients recovering from neurological conditions to improve their walking gait. The project aims to help patients with osteoarthritis or recovering from surgery to improve their recovery as well as to provide clincians with real-time gait-lab-quality data to inform treatment.

Our most recent publication can be found here.

You can also read about our work on rhythmic haptic cueing.

Prof Blaine Price

Riasat Islam

Dr Simon Holland
Dr Paul Mulholland
Dr Daniel Gooch

Dr Kate Button (Cardiff University)

FINESSE: Risk Prediction for Coronary Artery Disease using Machine Learning

This work is using a large database of patient data with stress echocardiography results to produce a model that can accurately predict the risk of coronary artery disease.

Our most recent publication can be found here.

Prof Blaine Price
Prof Attila Kardos
Dr Mohamed Bennasar
Dr Duncan Banks

The STRETCH project – Socio-Technical Resilience for Enhancing Targeted Community Healthcare – ran between April 2017 and February 2021, .Older adults living independently at home frequently rely on ‘circles of support’, which range from relatives and neighbours, to the voluntary sector, social workers, paid carers, and medical professionals. These circles of support can be fragile, with changes in circumstances causing disruption to the entire support network.

The STRETCH project focussed on exploring how to help coordinate these circles of support using both wearable and smart home technologies to enhance the social and technical resilience of these circles of support.

Our key findings related both to the design of sensor architectures, and to the design and development of tangible technology to support the logging of emotions.

An archive of the STRETCH website may be found here.

PI: Prof Blaine Price

Dr Daniel Gooch
Prof Bashar Nuseibeh
Prof Arosha Bandara
Dr Mohamed Bennasar
Dr Dmitri Katz