PhD Studentships in Music at the Open University

The Department of Music at the Open University invites applications for October 2018 entry to its PhD programme.

Our research was rated 1st in the UK in the Guardian’s analysis of the REF 2014 results, and 8th in the Times Higher Education table.

We have a wide range of expertise, from music of the medieval period to the present day including film music and non-Western music. Specialisms in the Music Department cover historical musicology, the social and cultural study of music, music analysis, editing, performance practice, iconography, ethnomusicology, music and literature studies and musical acoustics.

For further details of staff and student research interests see: and


Successful applicants to the Music PhD programme will have the opportunity to apply for a CHASE AHRC studentship. These awards cover fees and a stipend for students based in the UK, and fees only for EU residents. The studentships are available through the Consortium for Humanities and the Arts South-East England (CHASE), which brings together the OU, the Courtauld Institute of Art, Goldsmiths, University of London and the Universities of East Anglia, Essex, Kent and Sussex. For more information about CHASE, please visit

The university also has a number of faculty-funded studentships (fees and stipend) for part-time and full-time students. All applicants will be considered for any available OU funding.

How to apply

Informal enquiries about studentships and PhD studies in Music should be made to Helen Coffey ( in the first instance. Potential applicants are encouraged to e-mail a draft research proposal at least five weeks before the deadline.

Further details of PhD studentships at the OU and the application process can be found here:

Initially, applications for studentships will be assessed for a place on the Music PhD programme. Successful applicants will then be forwarded to studentship panels for further assessment and ranking.

Please note that the deadline for all postgraduate research degree applications, including for studentships, is 10 January 2018.

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