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the experience of reading in Britain, from 1450 to 1945...

Reading Experience Database UK Historical image of readers

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30503 records found. (displaying 20 per page)


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 √ Century of ExperienceEvidenceName of Reader / Listener / Reading GroupAuthor of TextTitle of TextForm of Text
1900-1945'I have been reading nothing since Othello but a translation from the Icelandic'Clive Staples Lewis [Anon] [Anon][unknown]Print: Book
1900-1945'I went to a play that would have appealed to you — "Disraeli", which you will remember to have seen reviewed in Punch's "At the play". If the real man was at all like ...Clive Staples Lewis [Anon] [Anon]'At the Play: "Disraeli"'Print: Serial / periodical
1900-1945'I hope you noticed the leader in this week's Literary Supplement — on Edgar Allan Poe? I never heard such affectation and preciosity; the man who thinks the "Raven" ta...Clive Staples Lewis [Anon] [Anon]'Edgar Allan Poe'Print: Serial / periodical
1900-1945'Besides this [i.e. Sidney's "Arcadia"] I have read nothing lately, except a foolish modern novel which I read at one sitting — or rather one lying on the sofa, this af...Clive Staples Lewis [Anon] [Anon][unknown]Print: Book
1900-1945'... remember that nearly all your reading is confined to about 150 years of one particular country.... And so, if you suddenly go back to an Anglo-Saxon gleeman's lay,...Clive Staples Lewis [Anon] [Anon]BeowulfPrint: Book
1900-1945'As a matter of fact I am at present reading a real "old french" romance "The High History of the Holy Graal" translated in the lovely "Temple Classics". If I dared to ...Clive Staples Lewis [Anon] [Anon]The High History of the Holy GraalPrint: Book
1900-1945'After wandering about the place and buying a second-hand copy of the "Gesta Romanorum" (of which more anon) I took my courage in both hands and knocked up the Master o...Clive Staples Lewis [Anon] [Anon]Gesta RomanorumPrint: Book
1900-1945I am reading the Periplus of the Erythrean Sea (how much prettier a name than Red Sea): it was an old commercial chart by an unknown Greek of Alexandria in the firs...Freya Stark [Anon] [Anon]Periplus of the Erythrean SeaPrint: Book
1800-1849'Thou kindly asks whether I am pursuing my favourite reading. To this I must return a decided no — several books from our Book Society having come upon us suddenl...Eliza Ellis [Anon] [Anon][unknown]Print: Book
1800-1849'I have scarcely read anything except an occasional short pity article in some review, on looked within the pages of some book, and turned away with an oppressed heart ...Eliza Ellis [Anon] [Anon][unknown]Print: Serial / periodical
1800-1849'I have scarcely read anything except an occasional short pity article in some review, on looked within the pages of some book, and turned away with an oppressed heart ...Eliza Ellis [Anon] [Anon][unknown]Print: Book
1800-1849'Do you take Chambers's Journal? The opening article I like very much, on that beautiful line from Keats, 'A thing of beauty is a joy for ever'; another of the leading ...Eliza Ellis [Anon] [Anon]'Female Education. The Positive-the Possible'Print: Serial / periodical
1900-1945'Off parade there was little enough to do. La Thieuloye was a desolate hole, a mere hamlet with hardly a shop for miles ... Our barn was a fine roomy one and we wer...Geoffrey Ratcliff Husbands [Anon] [Anon][unknown]Print: Newspaper
1900-1945'When we returned to Mukalla from the East Indies there was more work than ever; the war meant a number of new regulations which had to be enforced including the ce...Doreen Ingrams [Anon] [Anon][letters]Manuscript: Letter
1900-1945'The chief of the post, pushing his long hair out of his eyes and leaning on his gun, slowly read the address of my letter of introduction to the Governor at Alisht...Freya Stark [Anon] [Anon][letter of introduction]Manuscript: Letter
1900-1945'The Squire of Bijeno was a reader. We spent the evening over the history of Alexander and over '"Memoirs of the Boxer Rising", translated into Persian from the Fre...Freya Stark [Anon] [Anon]The History of AlexanderPrint: Book
1900-1945'The Squire of Bijeno was a reader. We spent the evening over the history of Alexander and over "Memoirs of the Boxer Rising", translated into Persian from the Fren...Freya Stark [Anon] [Anon]Memoirs of the Boxer RisingPrint: Book
1900-1945'Rutba is the palace planted in the wilderness when Aladdin's uncle rubbed the lamp; how else can it have got there? It is 200 empty miles from anywhere. It has bed...Freya Stark [Anon] [Anon][notices posted on walls]Manuscript: Sheet, notices on walls
1900-1945'He had the daily paper folded under his arm with his forage cap or sidara, and his latchkey, as long and as heavy, and in fact an exact duplicate of mine, in his h...Freya Stark [Anon] [Anon][unknown]Print: Newspaper
1900-1945'I lie contentedly enough, and amuse myself with a book which Qasim, seeing me in pain, has brought me in his kindness. It is his most treasured possession, a life ...Freya Stark [Anon] [Anon]Life of the Prophet MuhammadPrint: Book

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