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the experience of reading in Britain, from 1450 to 1945...

Reading Experience Database UK Historical image of readers

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30503 records found. (displaying 20 per page)


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Go to page: [1]   1509 1510 1511 1512 1513  1514  1515 1516 1517 1518 1519   [1526]

 √ Century of ExperienceEvidenceName of Reader / Listener / Reading GroupAuthor of TextTitle of TextForm of Text
1800-1849[Transcribed in Lady Caroline's hand]: ?From Nature & Art There is a word in the vocabulary more bitter, more direful in its import than all the rest?if poverty if bodil...Lady Caroline Lamb Elizabeth InchbaldNature and ArtUnknown
1800-1849[Transcribed in Lady Caroline's hand]: ?["]The Lamb thy riot dooms to bleed today Had he thy ['thy' is underlined] reason would he skip & play Pleas?d to the last he cr...Lady Caroline Lamb Alexander PopeAn Essay on Man, Epistle IUnknown
1700-1799[Transcribed in Mary Bacon's commonplace book/ledger: ?Mars is situated next above the Earth his course being between the orbit of Jupiter and that of the Earth but v...Mary Bacon unknown[almanac]Print: Unknown
1800-1849[transcribed in what appears to be Lady Caroline's hand]: 'With modest sidelong look and downcase glance / Behold the well matched couple now advance / His hand held he...Lady Caroline Lamb Richard Brinsley Sheridan'The Walse' also entitled 'The Waltz'Unknown
1800-1849[transcribed in what seems to be Lady Caroline's hand]: 'If guardian Powers preside above Who still extend to virtuous Love A tutelary care The Virgins bosom?s earl...Lady Caroline Lamb William Robert SpencerUraniaUnknown
1800-1849[Transcribed into a ms volume] Title 'Lines by Mrs Hemans'; Text 'Bring flowers, young flowers, for the festal board/ To wreathe the cup ere the wine is poured;/ Bring fl...Magdalene Sharpe- Erskine Felicia Dorothea Browne HemansBring flowersPrint: Unknown
1700-1799[TRANSCRIBED] ?Twelve True Old Golden Rules For those who like to fare better than they now do, and at the same time to thrive and grow rich. 1 The rea...Mary Bacon unknownTwelve True Old Golden RulesUnknown
1700-1799[Transcript in Journal of Chapter One, in shorthand]John Byrom William WollastonThe Religion of Nature DelineatedPrint: Book
1800-1849[Transcript of essay, under the heading 'Today'] 'Today. New Monthly Magazine for January 1823'Charles Holte Bracebridge [n/a]New Monthly MagazinePrint: Serial / periodical
[Transcription from a commonplace book]: Title = 'Epitaph on a tomb in Melrose Abbey'; text [4 lines] = 'The yerthe walketh on ye earthe glyttering lyke golde/ The yerthe...Magdalene Sharpe- Erskine AnonEpitaph on a tomb in Melrose AbbeyPrint: Unknown
1800-1849[Transcription from a commonplace book]: [Title] 'Ode to the closing year'; [Text] 'Oh why should I attempt to ring/The knell of Time in sorrowing tone / Or sadly tune m...Magdalene Sharpe- Erskine AnonOde to the closing yearPrint: Serial / periodical
[Transcription from a commonplace book]: [Title]'The Ton'; [Text] 'I ask not L ...[?] wealth or power/ A Gascoigne's face, a Pulteney's dower/ I ask not wit nor even sens...Magdalene Sharpe- Erskine Anon[The Ton]Print: Unknown
[Transcription from a commonplace book]: [Title]'Translation of an Arabic Ode'; [text]'When mortal hands thy peace destroy/ Or strive to ease thy woes/ Will thou to man i...Magdalene Sharpe- Erskine Anon[Translation of an Arabic Ode]Print: Unknown
[Transcription from a commonplace book]: [Untitled]; [Text = prose introduction followed by verse] 'During the troubles in the reign of Charles 1st, a/ country girl came ...Magdalene Sharpe- Erskine [Robert] [Burns][Lady Mary Anne]Print: Unknown
[Transcription from a commonplace book]: [Untitled]; [Text] 'Farewell, oh farewell; my heart it is sair/ Farewell oh farewell; I shall see him nae mair/ Lang lang was he ...Magdalene Sharpe- Erskine Anon[unknown]Print: Unknown
1800-1849[transcription of Moore's poem 'Gazel' in what seems to be Lady Caroline's Hand]Lady Caroline Lamb Thomas Moore'Gazel'Unknown
1850-1899[Transcription] 'Das Herz ist mir bedruckt und sehnlich Gedenke ich der alten Zeit; Die Welt war damals noch so wohnlich Und ruhig lebten hin die Leut. Doch jetz...Robert Louis Stevenson Heinrich HeineDie Heimkehr. XXXIX Buch der LiederPrint: Book
1800-1849[Tues 24 November 1840]. read Burnet - Bruce on Assam- Clarendon- [...].William Ewart Gladstone Gilbert BurnetHistory of His Own TimePrint: Book
1700-1799[Two gentlemen came in to LP's shop and saw her with an MS volume of her Memoirs open in front of her; they inquired as to whether it was her accounts] 'This Gentleman, w...an earl Laetitia Pilkington[Memoirs and Poems]Manuscript: volume
1900-1945[under heading 'Battle of the Books']: 'How I dislike Swift, and how is it possible to take this ill tempered ill informed stuff [...] seriously as criticism, even as des...Edward Morgan Forster Jonathan SwiftThe Battle of the BooksPrint: Book

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