All of us in CALRG HQ are currently busy putting together the schedule for the new academic year and we are very excited! 😀
We are changing things slightly so that our second Thursdays will now be about ‘Communicating research’ more broadly (rather than just a reading/discussion group). Our third Thursdays will now focus on ‘sharing engaged research’, talking about our own research experiences and giving advice about how engagement with various stakeholders happens before, during and after the research process.
We will also be hearing from some fantastic external and internal speakers on the first Thursday of every month, and enjoying a chance for a hot drink and catch-up over FREE CAKE on the fourth Thursday of every month.
2018 is our 40th anniversary year of CALRG, and we will be celebrating this with a special event in Autumn 2018 (more details to follow in due course). Oh, and did we mention the free cake? 😉