CALRG Conference 2024: Call for Papers


47th Computers and Learning Research Group Annual (Online) Conference: Call for Papers 

** Submission deadline Friday 17 May 2024 ** 

We invite submissions for the 47th annual conference of the Computers and Learning Research Group (CALRG), to be held during the week of 1-5 July 2024. The conference will be held online, is open to all and free of charge.  

CALRG is based in the Institute of Educational Technology (IET), The Open University (UK) and is one of the UK‘s leading research groups on the use of technologies in education. CALRG’s annual conference provides a forum for members, as well as other researchers and practitioners in the field, to present their work. We particularly encourage research students to submit proposals for the doctoral consortium and participate in the conference. 

We invite proposals for our 2024 conference on a broad range of topics, including:  

  • Hybrid learning  
  • AI, ChatGPT and education 
  • Computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) 
  • Accessible and equitable online learning 
  • Mobile learning 
  • Effective designing for learning and learner experiences 
  • Citizen science and public engagement 
  • Learning analytics 
  • Openness in education 
  • Game-based learning 
  • Professional learning 
  • Widening access and participation in education with technology 
  • Digital education and global challenges such as the climate emergency and forced migration. 

Submission Types 

Type 1: Full presentation 

Full presentations are designed for work that is mature or in the final stages of analysis.  

To help showcase IET’s current work, we anticipate that all academic research projects will submit a proposal, where possible. We also welcome submissions from projects in openTEL, the wider university and beyond. 

Full presentations will be allocated approx. 25-30 minutes, including 10 minutes for questions and discussion. Abstracts should be 250-300 words. 

Type 2: Doctoral consortium  

The CALRG conference’s doctoral consortium provides a supportive environment for PhD and EdD candidates to showcase their work. The doctoral consortium will feature a panel of experienced experts to provide guidance and encouragement. 

Doctoral consortium sessions are allocated 30 minutes total. Presenters can decide how best to use the time and the ratio of feedback to presentation. Abstracts should be 250-300 words. 

Type 3: Innovative / Wildcard  

If you have a session idea that doesn’t fit into the full presentation or doctoral consortium format, we welcome your proposal! Abstracts should be 250-300 words.  

Submission Guidance 

Accepted abstracts for all submission types will be made available online.  

With presenter permission, we will record conference sessions and release edited versions of these on IET’s YouTube channel. You can review available 2023 conference sessions here:  


The deadline for abstract submissions is Friday 17 May 2024 

Submit your abstract.

Following review, we will be in touch during w/c 3 June 2024 regarding your submission outcome.  


Contacts and further information 


Conference inquiries

Find us on Twitter:  

Conference hashtag: #CALRG2024 

More on CALRG and our forthcoming events:  

 The CALRG Conference 2024 organising team is: Hannah Clarkson, Fereshte Goshtasbpour, Beck Pitt, Eileen Scanlon and the IET-Research team. 

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